So, what really happens once you are led to the OR? I had gastric bypass surgery years ago and I remember fasting from midnight, but strangely I did not have a BM that morning. I mentioned it to the nurse and she said that they’d “take care of it”…once they knock you out, what happens from that point till the initial incision? What’s the protocol for preparing the surgical tools, etc…
You might want to search on youtube. There are a lot of videos about what happens in ORs. Many hospitals have uploaded videos for patients, such as OR prep, cleaning, roles of personnel and showing the actual surgeries.
With only one serious reply so far, I apologize for an early joke response, but Piraro addressed this very question a long while ago. Link to a cartoon, rated G.
A college classmate of mine was in the hospital (I can’t remember what for, it was long ago) and he claimed that a nurse came in and asked him if he’d had a BM that day. He said “no ma’am” so she told him to roll on his side and she inserted a vacuum cleaner-like device into his alimentary orifice and I suppose emptied him out.
When she came in the NEXT day and asked, he said “YES MA’AM I have had a BM today” although he had not.
I don’t know if that’s how it’s always done, but he claims that’s what happened to him.