Question for the ladies (or men) about blow jobs

Inspired by Grok in [url"="] this thread, I figured I would be the one to ask. The subject of “money shots” came up. That is, a blow job where the male’s ejaculate lands all over the woman’s face. I personally have never dated a girl that was into such a finish. And, so far as I know, most girls aren’t really into it. But I figured I’d ask the females and males on this board for their Straight Dope™. So, how about it? Do you enjoy the money shot? And, if so, do you communicate that to your partner?

Fixing the link.

I just want to clarify a few things, Superdude. In porn terminology as I’ve always heard it, what you’re describing is called a “facial.” The “money shot” is when the male ejaculates regardless of where on the woman’s body.

Personally, I’ve never known a woman to like that and I don’t particularly care to do that to a woman. I don’t see what’s so hot about seeing a women with semen all over her face, in her eyes, up her nose, etc. I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want that stuff in my hair or eyes.

My definition of a ‘money shot’ has always been just an ejaculation with no qualifications.

I saw that post, disagreed with it then, but didn’t post.


I think that sounds disgusting. Yuck. But then I won’t give a blow job either. I am kinda picky about that.

Mmm… money shot…


This is my understanding as well.

As for the OP…Facials: no. Doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest. But if a guy wants to come all over my tits, I kinda dig that.

What Geobabe said. Though I would much rather swallow.

Damn. I am so looking forwarded to meeting her in the flesh in January. :slight_smile:



Is it time for another safe sex lecture?



If one is in a long-term monogamous relationship then swallowing should not be a problem. I’d find out whether or not that is the case before I started in with the safe sex lecture.

Mental Note- Be sure to flirt incessantly with Geobabe and Arden Ranger. Buy 'em good Christmas presents.

Wow, I’ve inspired a blowjob thread. I must be moving up in the world. :slight_smile:

Right now, sitting at my desk in the middle of my workday… Getting my face jizzed on doesn’t seem appealing in the least. But ya know… In the heat of the moment, I’ve eagerly done things that would otherwise seem like a really bad/stupid idea. =)

I’ve always thought a facial would be fun to try, either giving or taking.

The external “money shot” I’ve always understood to be predominantly a porno film(/video/photo shoot) artifact, where it’s an easy way to show that Our Hero[sup]TM[/sup] did indeed get off at the end of his scene. (the alternative form of evidence being kinda gross)

Now, in real life the external money shot is traditionally encountered as part of a really unreliable birth control method. But the “facial” and the aforementioned bust shot are variations which stroke the ego of a target audience (hint: it’s us, guys) by showing how Our Lovely Assistant[sup]TM[/sup] is just so aroused by her man’s cocksmanship that she’s eager to be “anointed” by his precious essence. (Though not all males generate sufficient, erm, pressure to actually land it on HER, as opposed to on his own shoes). BTW, ladies, we know we’re not that impressive, but our appreciation for the gesture knows no bounds… it’s a great way to get us to jump thru hoops :smiley:

Alas, due to the presence on my face of such semen-unfriendly features as Eyes and Nose…I must decline.

After being told that the reason jizz burns when you get it in your eye is because it’s trying to impregnate your eyeball…umm…I don’t even want to think about it.

Anywhere else, sure. Spray it on like Cool Whip for all I care. Just remember that the real gentleman is the one who brings me a towel afterwards…


You’ll never find it in the search engine under ‘money shot’ ‘Facials’ perhaps & not the one you get from a cosmetologist.

Could anything be more oppressive to a woman? I don’t think so at this point.

No, dear, it is not. I was stating a preference.

Well, like Arden Ranger, I prefer to swallow. I’m not opposed to getting sticky anywhere else, except the face. Kindly point that thing elsewhere, thanks.
A real gentlemen ensures that a towel is present before the festivities begin. :slight_smile:

No, it’s not.

But thanks for playing.