In every article I’ve read so far, I have seen no details as to how precisely the electronic votes in Wisconsin will be recounted? Is there a paper trail for re-counters to look at? Is the data backed up in files/caches on the machines? Is that data reliable enough? I look forward to your feedback
Wisconsin is mostly a mix of paper ballots and optical scan ballots, the “paper trail” is built in. When the recount was ordered the Election board left it up to the counties as to how they’ll recount and a number of them may just run the votes through the optical scanner again. Stein has lost a lawsuit to force a manual recount.
Scroll down for a map that shows voting method by county. I assume Michigan is pretty straightforward, being old school voting method. Wisconsin has a variety of machines in use.
Pennsylvania is more complicated. They use a variety of Direct Recording Electronic machines afaik, few have a paper trail. I’m of the impression the most they can do is do an audit of the machines pto make sure they are functioning correctly, but don’t quote me on that. It looks like Stein is going to fail to get a statewide recount there though, maybe a few precincts at most.