This is threat to ask questions about movies you certainly have no intention of seeing, as the title says. It’s also a thread for others to answer those questions, I hope.
Mine is: why couldn’t they make an emergency landing of the mother@!%ing plane if there were so many mother@!%ing snakes on it?
Snakes on a Plane - Why don’t they just depressurise the cabin? The passengers can don oxygen masks, while the snakes fall unconcious. Snakes on a Plane - How did the fracking snakes get on the fracking plane in the first place? Birth of a Nation - Why is this considered a landmark film? Saving Ryan’s Privates - They are in danger from who or what exactly?
One of the passengers witnessed a big mob boss committing murder. The boss (of course) had connections, and had the snakes put on the plane as a creative but ultimately impractical method of getting the witness killed before he could testify.
And they didn’t depressurize the cabin because they were operating subject to movie physics, not real-world physics, where any depressurization would result in a hole ripping open in the side of the plane and the contents getting sucked out.
Many airplane O2 systems are designed to run for 10-15 minutes. Just enough to get the plane to a lower altitude. (The cockpit crew has a more advanced system.)
The snakes, being cold blooded, would hardly notice the difference. The humans would run out of air. No one on board was capable of performing a controlled descent to a safe altitude. Et-losing-cetera.
heh. Didn’t mean to sound snarky, I was smiling when I said it, honest.
More on the snakes: as I recall, the snakes were all hopped up on steroids or Red Bull or some other movie crap like that, making them hyper-aggressive. Maybe that would also make them resistant to depressurization. Besides, there were a lot of bitten/injured people around, they probably figured it wasn’t optimal to put everyone to sleep.
My own question about a movie I never intend to see: why does Mars need moms?
Ryan was one of 4 brothers, the other three had been killed already and the Department of War decided it would be best if he could be pulled from combat for the duration. Unfortunately he had gone in with the D-Day invasion and was already deep in the fighting area. Tom Hanks’ character was assigned to find him and bring him back to the rear area. You should watch it, the famous first twenty minutes are an amazingly detailed depiction of the D-Day landing and the rest is at least okay.
Based loosely on the true story of the Sullivan Brothers? (Not googleing anything here).
IIRC the Sullivan brotherswere killed after their ship sunk at the Battle of Guadalcanal. They are the reason for the Sole Survivor Policy though, and a major influence on Saving Private Ryan. Not sure it influenced the movie Saving Ryan’s Privates though.
For me, I refuse to see any of the Twilight movies. It is against everything I believe in.
I will also add to that a huge chunk of kids movies (including Air Bud and spin-offs) and anything from Liftime.