Questions about waxing (hair)

I’m calling on those who have waxed and/or continue to wax. A few questions:

  1. Which body part is most sensitive/hurts the most during waxing? I imagine the armpits would, but I could be wrong.

  2. Does waxing really cause the hair to come in more slowly when it grows back, and is it lighter in color when it does?

  3. Does the part to be waxed need to be cleaned and dried first–i.e., the armpit, for example, should be free of deodorant and dry as well?

  4. Should you put some kind of lotion or ointment on afterwards?

  5. Would you recommend waxing over shaving?

I’ve waxed my legs, eyebrows, and the, err… hoohah. Eyebrows hurt the most.

Not that I’ve noticed in regards to color but over time not as many hairs grow back (some of the follices die from the trauma, I guess)

To get proper adhesion, the skin should be dry and free of foreign material like deodorant. I have been told though, that it easier/less painful/more effective if the skin is not freshly washed (later in the same day being preferable. I think because the wax doesn’t like to stick to hair that is squeaky clean.

My aesthetician applies antiseptic in the salon and instructs me to apply antibacterial ointment for 3 days.

Absolutely, but I would never, never, never advise doing legs or “bikini area” at home. Because hair grows in various directions, to get a clean pull (ie minimum pain), the waxist need to be able to attack the problem from several angles. Eyebrows might be ok at home.

Thank you! Oh, I wouldn’t even attempt to do it at home. I plan to go to my favorite spa and have them do it, eventually. I don’t think I could do it right on my own.
I’m planning to do the lower legs, underarms and chin.

I suspect that the pits will hurt the most because the skin is somewhat loose in that area. However, pain experience IS highly individual. My mom waxed bikini once and said Never Again. For me, it is no big deal. Like the pain involved in dentistry, it varies with individual physiology.

For me, if it hurt significantly (or even much at all) I wouldn’t bother with armpits. It is small area, easily reached and my skin never gets irritated there, even if I just use soap. YMMV.

The problem, if you will, is that you have to let it grow back (I think 1/4"?) for the next waxing to be sucessful. However, the hair that grows in is not at all stubbly.

I wax between and above my eyebrows, and do it at home with a kit. I don’t find it painful at all. The skin is stretched pretty tight over the bone, just there, which I think cuts down on the pain.

I use a depillator on my arms, and sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, sometimes it is so unbearable I have to stop and try again later.

Is a depillator some kind of machine?

I get my legs waxed, it hurts in a good way( :eek: ) by removing the dry skin.
I get my eyebrows and chin “threaded” It’s an Eastern thing, but I saw them do it on ‘Ugly Betty’ . It involves twisting a cotton thread around the hairs and quickly pulling them out. My right eyebrow alas hurts worse than my left. I don’t know why.

Remember the Epi-lady? It mechanically rips out the hair using some sort of coil under tension. While similar in theory to waxing, as I understand it, it takes way longer to complete, ergo the pain is extended, and comes with all the downsides of shaving in regards to be able to reach all the necessary spots.

Some people swear by them, of course, so don’t take my word for it.

It’s cheaper than salon waxing and less messy than home waxing. That was my reasoning. And really, if you’ve taken a Tylenol beforehand, not too painful.

The most painful for me (I’ve had eyebrows, upper lip, armpits and full legs done, though not all at once) is probably the eyebrows. But it’s better than plucking them, because it’s over a lot faster. I had to yank a stray eyebrow hair yesterday with tweezers…YOWWWWW!!! Armpits aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be, though there’s no location where it’s actually pleasant for me. YMMV if you are into pain. But the pain goes away in a couple of seconds.

Never get waxed during That Time of the Month. I found that out the hard way. Yowch.

I hate shaving, absolutely loathe it, because I’m fairly hairy and it grows really fast. So it’s worth it for me to pay for waxing; once a month or so is far better than shaving every day or every other day.

Epilady They’re not coils anymore, more like rotating tweezers. I only use it for my legs, everything else I have waxed.

I think upper lip is the most painful, makes my eyes water every time.

I am in full agreement on plucking eyebrow hairs. Horrendous! Thanks for the tip on the TOTM. I’m not that hairy but it does grow out awfully fast on the chin, legs and pits. It also comes in black and rather coarse.