I’m teaching myself how to draw, and I’ve been working on pencil sketches. I’m getting to the point where I can make some fairly decent portraits that have at least a passing resemblence to the subject, but I’ve got some questions about the process itself:
How long does it take you to do a complex drawing? Say, like this portrait? It takes me a long time, and I imagine a lot of it is just lack of skill and practice, but I’m wondering how fast an experienced artist would knock something like that out.
How often do you make mistakes while drawing? I’m constantly erasing and re-drawing lines. I don’t know if it’s because I’m rushing, or just uncoordinated, or what. Or maybe that’s normal. Are you constantly erasing? Erasing once every few minutes? Once or twice in a whole picture? Never?
To me, the process so far feels decidedly un-artistic. It feels very mechanical, making measurements, studying lines and copying them, etc. At this point, I can’t draw something from memory to save my soul, and I’m in awe of people who can create complicated images that have never before existed, like fantasy paintings. I’d be interested in hearing what the experience of drawing feels like to the rest of you. Do you see the picture in your head and just copy it out from there, or does the picture sort of unfold before you as you draw and you let it take its own direction? If you draw a face of someone who has never existed, do you just start drawing basic features and start changing as you go until things look ‘right’? Or do you see the whole face first and just draw it from memory?
Also, any little hints and tips for pencil drawing would be appreciated. I thought I’d start with that, work my way into colored pencils, and then see if I want to continue drawing from there.