What is the conversion factor of Amps to Mili-Amps?
My husband fried the transformer on his favorite lamp. We have a bunch of them here and there, without appliances to go with them. It seems they all use different terminology for their output. Or they all have different outputs. Of course, I firmly believe they are a lot like snowflakes :rolleyes: Because nothing is ever easy.
1 Amp = 1,000 milli-amps
One miliamp is 1/1000 of an amp. Mili always translates into 1/1000 of whatever unit it modifies (eg, milimeter = 1/1000 of a meter).
1000 milliamperes = 1 Ampere
For DC supplies, remember that you can always replace your broken supply with one of an equal or higher current rating. Always match the voltage!
Getting smaller (each one one/thousandth of the one before):
Light travels just about 11 inches in a nano-second. Cite: do the math.
Getting larger (each one a thousand times larger than the one before):
A megabuck is a million dollars, a gigabuck is an Americal billion. The Medicare prescription drug benefit is expected to cost the gov’t around a terabuck by 2015. Cite
Drat, I just wanted an example, that one’s got political ramifications, not ideal for GQ. Too late, can’t take it back. Nor would it improve matters to say, well, that’s only a hundred gigabucks a year.
How about, that would suggest buying stock in pharmaceutical companies as an investment.
Of course if this were American, the conversion factor from one to the next would probably be 13.2 and from that one to the next one would be 32.32 etc…
but we like it that way, who wants to go throught the trouble of moving a deceimal point back and forth all day.
Thanks everyone. He got it fixed. It hasn’t (yet) burned down the house and it works!
(Millivanilliamp warning deleted.)