Quick (Elusive) MusicMatch Jukebox Q: Where Are Those Pasted jpg CD Art Files Stored?

I scoured the google (and here too) and I’m dumbfounded?

Product: Music Match Jukebox 8.0 Full Version.

Re: The “tagging” of ripped mp3 files - More specifically, the CD art (.jpg) images tied to the files when tagging & pasting from the clipboard.

OK, In a nutshell:

I’m very particular about my mp3 file track tags. Every audio file on my PC is tagged with custom & specific information. My question is:

Where are the CD Art images I paste from my clipboard stored after I tag my mp3 files?

I’ve searched my PC, and even though I see the art files while the tagges tracks are playing, I have no idea where they’re kept/stored.

They’re not in any sub-folders in my Program Files>MUSICMATCH folder. Though the ones that download automatically during the ripping process are.

They can’t be some kind of .tmp file, because windowswasher would’ve blown them out.

I’ve done a Search command one all *.jpg and *.gif files and none of the manually pasted art shows up.

Are they stored on my HDD as another type of image file? (.tif, etc?)
Are they in some other hidden directory or folder?
Am I blind?

Any ideas?

My WAG would be that they’re not stored on your machine but just brought up via the CDDB whenever requested…I could be completely wrong though. Have you tried accessing the tags without internet connection?