Quick! Give us your Democrat VP Prediction

Hillary Clinton !

Obama said she’d be on anyone’s short list.

Clinton’s name wasn’t submitted by Obama to his staff for vetting.

Obviously he made his decision way back on the plane with Hillary.

If Obama doesn’t pick Hillary, there would be a lot of pissed off Hillary supporters when they find out she wasn’t on the short list. The convention would be a disaster.

On the other hand, a Hillary selection will unite the party and raise the Democrat tempo in the media over the next several weeks drowning out the Republican convention.

Its a no brainer in my books.

I afraid it’s going to be Hillary also. Obama’s recent “I’m going to want somebody with independence, who’s willing to tell me where he thinks or she thinks I’m wrong,” and “somebody to challenge me to be better” made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

It’s like he’s preparing his supporters for bad news. “Guys, I have something to tell you. The cat’s up on the roof . . .”

I doubt it’s going to be Hillary. She may not need to be “vetted”, since she had to release a lot of information during her campaign, but she’s got way too much baggage to be a viable candidate. Her campaign is also still in debt and she can’t raise the clams to get out of it, so her ability to raise funds for the ticket is in doubt, plus there’s the risk that she’ll drain the resources from the ticket.

Since my two “obvious” choices are out, I’ll go on a limb and say either Joe Biden or Bill Richardson. Both have foreign affairs experience; Biden’s is in the Senate as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee and Richardson was an ambassador to the UN. Obama is perceived as being weak in that area, so it makes a lot of sense to bring someone in who has experience in that area.

Given a choice between Biden and Richardson, I’ll go with Richardson. Not only does he have the aforementioned foreign affairs/diplomatic experience, but he was also Secretary of Energy and is currently the governor of New Mexico, so he’s got executive experience, as well.

I’ll probably be wrong, though, so take it for what it’s worth.



I agree.

Joe Biden has it.

Bayh. If it’s The Bitch, he’s lost my vote forever.
ETA: Oops. CNN is saying that Clinton, Kaine and Bayh have all been informed that they aren’t the one.

My first choice was Clinton.

Failing that, I was hoping for Kaine.

Now it seems that all signs are pointing clearly to Biden. So we’ll go with Biden.

I only posted my prediction of Hillary to put my “Wrong Predictions on the Dope” hex on her.

I’m afraid it’s gonna be Biden, a blowhard and egotist if ever there was one. Ugh. Gotta run; I’m busy looking for the silver lining.

Boom goes the dynamite!

Chris Rock.

Oh, wait…

Hillary Clinton claimed she’d never agree to run as Obama’s VP. Bet me she would…just one breath away from the Presidency…

She’s ambitious, brainy, & just hoping her role as keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention puts her ahead of Biden, Bayh, & Kaine.

Love, Phil