Quick Kato! To the Jewelers!

I think all this talk of replacement wedding rings has scared off our single contingent. I still have my wedding band from my failed marriage. I guess you could say I’m working on finding a replacement husband rather than a replacement ring. :wink:

In other news, I suck at miniature golf. I thought you all should know that.

I had a girlfriend that sucked one time during miniature golf. It was an otherwise slow day.

Let me be the first to offer you a giant * hug *.

I am sorry you are so grumpy. I woke up very grumpy Saturday. However Sunday morning I woke up in a very good mood. I do hope the grumpy passes.

I have a confession. I have never played golf, miniature or otherwise.

:::: hangs head in shame ::::

swampy, another hug here from yer pal, puggy. {{{{{{{{swampbear}}}}}}}} Try eating something sweet or some nookie…whichever presents itself first.

But - I thought swampy was a boy who liked boys - oh wait that wasn’t what you meant was it…

I think I need less caffiene :slight_smile:

Uncommon Sense - Oh, behave!

On second thought, maybe I should direct that comment at the girlfriend. :smiley:

Geez, I woulda thought those guys use latex gloves or something. Unless he’s too ‘large’ to wear gloves. :smiley:

Oh, it’ll take more than talk of wedding rings to scare me away. I’ll be here, just depressed I don’t have one of my own.

Well, technically I have one but it’s my dad’s and it just sits in my jewelry box. The last time I took it out was back when somebody on the boards wrote about fitting theirs in their nose. I concluded that all of my rings but two would probably fit in my nostril, though I didn’t actually try to place one in a nostril, I swear.

Dad’s ring I didn’t even need to check, no way would that puppy fit in anybody’s nostril. It is platinum and after twenty five years of hard use it hadn’t changed shape or gotten scratched or nothin’. Good stuff that platinum, I recommend it highly.

Be as grumpy as you’d like swampbear. I find indulging in some grumpiness, ocassionally, is rather nice. Then, SNaP oUT oF It! No use turning grumpiness into poopyheadedness after all.

Hee! I remember that thread.

And I think we’ve stumbled on the REAL reason that the DeDay household is in need of new wedding rings. There’s a nose story in there. I can smell it.

Don’t dispair, darlin’, I was 34 before I ever went miniature golfing. Your day will come.
I had a very pretty engagement ring with a lovely matching wedding band. They were white gold, and the engagement ring had a solitary diamond (I remember having to put my hand in my back pocket palm outward to avoid catching the ring on the pocket), and then the wedding band had two small diamonds that would flank the larger one. I never got around the wearing the whole set, we broke up, (thank the Gods!) before we got married, and, silly me, I gave the rings back.

Since then, I’ve had a marrigae proposal or two, but I’ve not gotten a ring. That may have been because I turned down the proposals, or because I used to date really poor guys.

swampy, snap out of it! You have no reason to be grumpy and walking around like a sad sack isn’t doing anybody any good. Now, shape up, young man, I don’t want to have to tell you this again! (Sometimes you just have to be tough with the ones you love.)
“I just married a lioness - look at my wedding ring!” roared Leo, with wild abandon.
Sign at a nudist camp:
Sorry - Clothed for Winter.
Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

Thanks for the hugs misstee and puggy. I’m a grump so 'nookie wouldn’t want to be around me and well, the other kind of nookie, I’m prolly to grumpy for too right now. Ashes[sup]2[/sup] I won’t go over the grumpy limit, I promise. The grumpiness may pass by the end of tomorrow, who knows? I do have a dinner date Wednesday night. That’ll help ease the grumpiness. I like gettin’ taken out to dinner. Puggy I am taking your advice about eating something sweet. I baked a small plain yellow cake (the kind you bake in the little square pan) last night. I took some fresh frozen strawberries out of the freezer and they are thawing in the fridge. I have some Bryer’s vanilla ice cream which is about my favorite kind of ‘niller ice cream and some Reddi Whip [sup]TM[/sup]. MMMMM… spray whipped cream! I’m gonna have me a big ol helpin’ of strawberry shortcake with ice cream tonight after dinner. Heck, it might just even be dinner. I’ll bet that’ll help with the grumps.

It’s raining today. If it keeps up, that’ll be nice. I can turn off the automatic sprinkler. Also, it helps keep the humidity down which means I can sit on my back porch without sweattin’. That means I could sit out on my back porch in my underwear and heat a big ol’ helpin’ of strawberry shortcake. That’d be nice.

By the way, I’m all grumpy cause of the termite thing, the having to caulk all around my back porch thing, the having to spend two and a half days in Etlanner when I didn’t wanna thing, the work all backed up cause I was gone so long thing, the house needs cleaning, shirts need ironing and yard needs mowing and none of that stuff has been done in almost two weeks thing and just overall general grumpiness.

See, I am trying to get over being all grumpy. But right now I’m still grumpy. HUMPHHH!!!

-swampbear (Jeez what a grouch!)

Would some beer and ccokies help, Swampy?

Heh, did you just mis-spell cockies?? :smiley:


Only dopers would know that appealing to my inner eight year old boy would help cure the grumps. :smiley:

Kalley thanks for the lecture and the really awful pun. You know really awful puns are a favorite of mine.

I’m still sorta grumpy but gettin’ all better.

Don’t be offering cockies if you don’t have enough for everyone.

err, well enough for me, anyway. :wink:

Here I stand, upstaged by my own typo. :rolleyes: :wink:

Whether I meant cookies or cockies, I’ll leave as an exercise for your collective dirty minds.

How about cookies shaped like cockies?

Well, I’m back. I was just too busy last week to even look at the MMP, so I missed the whole thing.

I got a replacement wedding band a few years ago because I had to stop wearing my old one. The old band got too big because I had lost a lot of weight. Besides that, I lost the engagement ring that went with it when I was weeding in my back yard.

I got hubby a replacement wedding band because his old one was too thin and kept breaking. So, I got him a really nice one through the jewelry store my mother works at. So, we’re both all set for the wedding bands now.

Our first wedding set was purchased when we were mighty poor and cost all of 200 dollars. I still have my old band, it’s just tucked away in my jewelry box.

…and now…for something completely different.

Saturday we went out to my sister’s house out in the boonies. To get there you have to take Hwy 16 which is always jacked up because of some major construction (they’re building new bridge and widening the highway in places). So, we’re tooling along when some dumb bunny in front of us slows down to 5 mph 'cause she’s trying to get into the right lane. Someone in that lane was going to let her in, but she didn’t quite get the message. Meantime, someone came right up on our rear end which greatly ticked off the hubby. So, he did the brake tap thing. Still, Mr. Stupid has to ride our rear end (like we could do anything about Ms. Dumb Bunny in front of us :rolleyes: ). So now, hubby is well and truly pissed. He started gesturing with the finger and cussing and everything else. Still, Mr. STOOOOOOOPID behind us doesn’t get the message and is trying to insert the front end of his pick-up truck well truly up our heinies. Now, hubby is so angry that his face is red and he has swollen up to six times his normal size. This is when he decides to chuck a full unopened can of pop at the idiot behind us. (He missed, fortunately). Now, I’m yelling at hubby asking him what in the bleepity bleeping, ever-loving bleepity bleep he thinks he’s doing. Now hubby decides he wants pull over and have a “chat” with said Mr. STOOOOOOOOOPID. At this point I was able to talk some sense into him. My God, I thought we we’re gonna be in some serious trouble there. You know, he’s a professional driver and I have never seen him act this way. In fact, he’s usually telling me to calm down because I’m usually sitting behind some idiot and cussing a blue streak.

At any rate, we continued on to my Sis’s house without much further ado. We enjoyed ourselves out there and decided we need to leave around 9:45 p.m. So, there we were, eastbound on Hwy 16 when yet another dummy decides he needs to play games with my husband. Said dummy was going 45 in a 60 mph zone and he was in the left lane. We couldn’t pass him on the right because he was riding even with someone in the right lane. So, hubby briefly flicks his brights to tell the guy to either speed up or speed up and move over. Noooooo…now dummy decides he’s going to slow way, way down and play games with us. Hubby gets over into the right lane to pass and dummy speeds up so we can’t pass. So we get over into the left lane behind dummy and he slows way down again. At this point there’s a short (very short) extra left lane because we’re coming up on where cross traffic can enter and exit the highway. Hubby decides we’re going to pass said dummy and guns it. Said dummy speeds up and we’re fast running out of lane. We ended up getting around the dummy and hubby decides he’s going to slow way down :rolleyes: Now, I’m well and truly pissed at hubby’s entirely bad reaction to these idiots both on the way to and from my sister’s house and I let him have it. He finally admitted that he had reacted very poorly indeed (gee, ya think? :dubious: :rolleyes: ). I just couldn’t believe it. I’m driving the next time; for my own safety and sanity.

Swampy, I hope your mood is improving by the minute. Though every once in a while we’re all entitled to a bit of grumpiness.

Well, since I have the day off, I better do something somewhat productive around the house now.

1st post in an MMP.

When I married card babe, we were in college and I didn’t have the bux to by a diamond. Ten years later, I had aquired some cash and I decide to decorate her with a rock for the tenth. I did some research so I knew the basics, cut, clarity, etc. Figured a 1 carat good quality carbon lump would be in the price range and look mighty pretty. So I ask the “family owned” jewler to select several stones for her to look at within a rough price range and then let her pick one out. I would bring her by and surprize her with a selection from which to choose.

So, I bring her to the family owned jewler (FOJ), she gets all exited as I proudly let her know what is happening and he proceeds to to produce four envelopes, each containing a rock. First rock, good quality, .92 carats. Hey, looks nice and is under my budget. Second rock, little different color and size but still within the budget. Third rock, a little over a carat, good quality, $150 over my budget. A little sweat on my part, but a happy card babe is worth it.

Now FOJ has clearly been at this a long time. Has the first three diamonds lined up on a dark piece of felt under a good light. He unveils the fourth, the best quality yet and at 1.26 carats, also the biggest. Puts it right next to the others.

“SQUEEEEL!” goes card babe. It’s the best ever!

Plus $1,000 more than I had intended to spend. :eek:

On major holidays he sends me a coupon for $50 of select jewlery since I’m such a good customer. I take great pleasure in burning those damn things.