Not sure whether this belongs here or IMHO, but my (ever-expanding) gut tells me there’s a factual answer for this so here it is.
I quit smoking at the beginning of the year. Aside from a couple of very minor slips, I’ve not smoked at all. However, since the beginning of the year, I’ve been using nicotine gum instead. Anyway, this week I decided to come off the gum. I’ve gone cold turkey and it’s been nearly 3 days since my last piece. So far, so good. The only thing is that ever since I quit the gum I’ve had the most insanely intense sugar cravings. I’ve been knocking back 6, 7, 8 bars of chocolate a day, snacking on cakes and biscuits between meals, the works. It sucks because I’m trying to get in shape as well. Basically, all I want to know is:
a) Are these kinds of sugar cravings normal?
b) What’s causing them?
c) How long do they last?
Many thanks.