Racism and "Wuhan virus" - only because Wuhan is a fairly well known large city?

The country making a claim of Bioterrorism is China. And it’s the same country that kept a lid on it so it spread quicker around the world.

Stop acting like the Chinese government let the virus spread on purpose.

Despite the fact that we dominate the world in air travel by a considerable amount and should have much higher numbers we are doing much better than other countries of similar economic power.

Had China not kept it quiet the world would be in a much better spot. But you’re goal in life seems to be to blame Trump instead of China. Go figure.

If a government silences someone who is trying to warn the world then that’s a deliberate purposeful act.

Andthey apologized to the family of the whisteblower for their improper response.

China could have shouted impending doom from the rooftops from Day One and Trump’s response would have been exactly the same, because Trump is an idiot who doesn’t listen.

Chinese government bears responsibility for not doing enough to contain the virus when it first became aware of it.

Does Trump & Co. bear similar responsibility for not responding to the threat in a more pro-active and competent manner?

Cato the censor had a reason to end all his senate musings with “Carthago delenda est”, but everyone pointed out that it was peculiar or a silly thing to repeat when, for example, the issues at hand were Roman affairs that eventually looked as dumb when being at war. Things like abolishing taxes in Rome and giving their citizens a Circus Maximus.

Your goal is to find a scapegoat - literally anyone other than Trump.

China’s initial coverup did not prevent Senator Richard Burr from telling politics donors on February 27 that the shit was about to hit the fan. If Burr knew this, then Trump had to know, too.

And yet, Trump was telling people on that date that, and I quote, “It’s going to disappear.”

China didn’t make Trump ignorant.

Their responsibility was one of communication. Once it became impossible to hide they did the right thing but there is still doubt their numbers are accurate which further suppressed the seriousness of it.

We’re currently doing much better than most industrialized countries. We were the first to test a vaccine on humans which began on 16-Mar. Flights from China were shut down at the beginning of February. We’re using supercomputers for modeling treatmentss to the virus. We’re using laws meant for war-time production to increase supplies.
There is substantial cooperation between state and federal agencies in matters involvingthe removal of red tape. Medical ships are being positioned at hot spots on the East and West Coast. the FDA is looking at mask sterilization technology.

Now lets look at the help from the Democratic Party. Nancy Pelosi delayed the badly needed rescue funds by a week so she could fund bullshit like the Kennedy center.

I’m pretty sure he knew considering he had already shut down flights from China at the beginning of February.

Your goal is to hate Trump and fill in the narrative that fits your agenda. The difference between us is that I don’t give fuck one about Trump. But I don’t hate him just because of the marching orders of the Democratic party.

China alerted WHO on 31 December. The Chinese CDC was alerted on 27 December

Wuhan and other big cities in Hubei Province went into lock down on 23 Jan.

With the benefit of hindsight, maybe just maybe it’s realistic to think that slapping a hardcore quarantine on 60 million people could have been done one or two weeks earlier. Do you agree or disagree? If you don’t agree, when do you think it would have been realistic to enact a quarantine on 60 million people.

trump announced a national emergency on 13 March. With the benefit of hindsight, do you agree or disagree this should have been announced weeks earlier?

You are still unaware that Trump also trusted Xi Jinping early on? And also refused to listen to the national intelligence sources about what was going on?


Actually, Moderna that is in Boston, has worldwide backing from many nations coming from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and the reason for the unprecedented speed for the first vaccines is thanks in large part to early Chinese efforts to sequence the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2.


You mean the same computers that are disparaged by the right wing media when used to investigate Climate Change? :slight_smile:

But seriously too, Europe, Japan and even China are also doing similar efforts and all are sharing information, the lesson here is that this is a worldwide effort. Something that Nationalistic Trump always disparages.

And again, thanks to trump, about a week, if not a month too late. Just a few days back:

Again, weeks if not months late.

Late too, and they might not be a great idea:

The best reports I have seen is that they “might” work. But even if fast approved, it will be days or weeks before being deployed in enough numbers.

Remember when I said before that Trump likes to dump supporters under the bus when convenient? This is no different.


BTW, I also used conservative sources like Forbes here, one can hate Trump also by not using “marching orders of the Democratic Party”.

Great post GIGObuster!

@Magiver, I’ll ask a third time: Do you have any criticism whatsoever about the president and the administration’s response to this virus?
Bearing in mind, the objective facts are: that Trump was happy to handwave it as a “democratic hoax”, and for weeks that something that will just disappear soon; clearly shooting from the hip while knowing full well that his words will influence millions of people’s behaviour on a life or death issue.
And that the US now has the highest reported Covid cases of any country (yes, the numbers are sketchy since tests performed per capita varies a lot country to country, but it’s unlikely that from a God’s eye view the US is doing great right now).

And do not respond with a Whatabout. I really want to see if you’re capable of criticizing Trump.

My guess: “I wish the Great Leader had moved quicker to save this country by blaming China harder and taking less responsibility.”

Clearly the solution is air dropping thousands of gallons of hand sanitizer on virus hot spots and parachuting doctors on minibikes to treat the remaining patients.

CMC fnord!

Remember how Benghazi happened because Obama refused to say the magic words “radical Islamic terrorism”?

Same principle. The only way to end the pandemic is the mass utterance of “China virus” into any available microphone.

No. Not at this time. I’ve been following what is going on. This is different than saying I’m following what Trump’s doing. The Federal Government has done everything it’s supposed to do as well as most of the states and municipalities. We’re not China and therefore cannot weld people’s doors shut.

We are way below the death rate per capita of other industrialized countries despite having an overwhelmingly higher number of passenger flights than any other country. We should have a much higher death rate because of that.

Ok, good to finally get a response.

Let’s go into some of the details. Should trump have restored a pandemic response team? While he was handwaving the threat, and implying it was a “democratic hoax” should he not have also done something, anything to prepare for the worst?
Should he be allowing the CDC to give press briefings?

This is similar to the excuses people throw out for why the US can’t have gun control, UHC etc. Some reason the US is Exceptional(-ly bad)

Let’s examine this excuse a little.

Firstly, why is it death rate per capita but flights as an absolute number? Is it because if we did flights per capita the US is far, far from the top, and in fact many of the countries that have succeeded in containing this virus have several times more flights per head of the population? ETA: And includes countries with more flights from China.

Secondly, what is so special about flights anyway? Considering the majority of US flights are domestic, why should they be considered high risk compared to, say, high speed rail within a country?

Also also…you just switched from cases to deaths because the latter number compares more favorably. Let’s hope it stays that way, but that’s not what the projections are saying.

So, there’s nothing that could have been done better in the US response? This is the textbook execution that can never be surpassed? That a national emergency that required until 13 March to be declared despite seeing the infection spread throughout the world?

@magiver Do you think it might have helped to keep Covid-19 from spreading in Ohio if there had been a serious national response and ubiquitous testing starting from when Trump shut flights from China?

As of 16 March, the entire state of Ohio (~12 Million population) had a total of 1,200 -1,500 tests and 37 confirmed cases. Ohio went to stay at home on 23 March (1132 confirmed cases) 10 days after trump declared a national emergency.

Do you think it would have helped slow the spread of Covid-19 in Ohio if there was more than 1 test available per 10,000 people at that time? Was 1 test per 10,000 people an adequate supply to have on hand to protect the population of Ohio and neighboring states, as well as provide meaningful data as to the spread of virus?

Ohio department of health Covid-19 dashboard (note: it’s not called the Wuhan Dashboard, the China Dashboard, nor what is likely to be said by those same wingnuts in private as the Chink Dashboard): Coronavirus Disease 2019 - (COVID-19) in Ohio

According to the powerpoint download from the Ohio Dept of Health as of 26 March:
1137 confirmed cases
20,149 tested (5.6% positive rate)
186 confirmed health care workers (6.11% of total confirmed)

What’s your opinion on having 6.11% of total confirmed cases be among the health care workers? Do you think that high of a rate is because the healthcare workers are implement PPG incorrectly because they lack training and experience? Or do you think that healthcare workers lack PPG supplies? For each healthcare worker that tested positive, how more more infections spread and how many have needed to go into sel-quarantine and not be on the front lines of this health crisis?