"Racist ICE sycophant" is not a political jab

Even the best-intentioned moderators, as I believe you are, can make judgment calls that posters disagree with. More than once I have seen such a call made (not always for my posts, just in general), and they have the effect of silencing an otherwise lively – if not always fruitful – discussion. Such silencing of political speech, especially, and doubly so in times such as this, makes me less and less willing to engage in any thread in GQ.

It is not a request for martyrdom, it is an acknowledgment on my part of my own inability to foretell what you would consider a “political jab”. I simply do not hold your view that it was such, and I cannot predict when it is going to happen again, because I did not intend for it to come off as one this time around. I don’t want to keep posting here if political discussion is just going to see unnecessarily heavyhanded moderation.

I am requesting a ban just like Tim Mortiss’s in this other thread. Tim_R.Mortiss BANNED as per his request after his 3rd warning for being a jerk If you really cannot honor it, fine, I will stop posting.