Rain on a tin roof...and other sounds to delight.

ditto to the squeaky snow.

Also, rounded stones from a river bed being dropped on one another.

The sound a football makes as it hits a fairly loose net (has to be a bit loose to get the correct sound)

The wind whistling through the eaves

The sound of the halliards tapping against the aluminium masts of yachts moored in the marina.

Ooh, yes - this and more. I went for a walk the other day near Hamble Marina in high winds and there was a loud moaning sound from the masts of boats on the hard standing, as well as the tapping. It was great (although I’m not sure it wouldn’t get old really quickly).

Oddly, I really enjoy the sound of pills rolling around in a bottle.

The squeak of fresh curd cheese when you bite into it.

The clacking of hockey sticks on ice and against the puck (actually the sounds of the skates too!)

Like CrafterMan and Deflagration, the sound of halyards and shroud lines striking the mast of a sailboat. I grew up sailing on Canyon Lake in Texas, and I swear, that sound is encoded into my bones.

Also, frogs creaking at night. There seem to be more of them here than crickets.

Back in San Antonio, the sound of the cicadas during the summer. You can actually get an idea of how hot it is by how fast and loud they’re humming.

My brother made me a mix CD once when I lived out in the desert. I always played that CD on the long drive to see my parents. So, now, if I listen to it, I’m back on the long stretches of highway in the high desert - huge boulders of sandstone, winding road, tall pines, and great stretches of grass. There’s a smell that goes with it to that just can’t be found any other place.

The pop and crackle of a wood fire.
Kids playing on the lawn in the glow of porch light.
The “Ohhhh” when a student finally gets the concept.
Branches rattling together in the wind on a moonlit night.
The crunch of country bread crust with the first bite of a sandwich.
Gurgling water in the gutter as it pushes fallen leaves down the street.
“Hey, Dad” when my son answers the phone.
Indian flutes played in autumn.
The slam of a screen door when my Dad came in from the fields.
Swishing tires on wet pavement.
Clattering cards in a bicycle’s spokes.
A baby’s sucking noises at the breast.
The scratching noise that a nib pen makes on a new piece of drawing paper.
Popcorn, either popping or crunching in my mouth.

And lots more…

Falling asleep on a train clickety clack clickety clack is great.

Toddlers in a joyful mood laughing at any and all mundane pointless things.

The sound of a fire dying down while sleeping in a yurt with a bunch of Tibetan nomads at 15,000 feet is pretty special too. :wink:

I first read this as sleeping in a yurt with 15000 Tibetan nomads. :eek:

I love the smell of the rain on summer-hot roads that accompanies that great sound :slight_smile:

The soft welcoming nicker of a friendly horse, sort of huh-huh-huh.

My little Papillon makes 2 sounds that melt my heart-one is an excited little howl: wrrrrr WRRRRRR, like the worlds smallest wolf. The other is harder to describe, a cross between a playful growl and warble, always accompanied by a full body shimmy, on her hind legs.

A kitty purring.

The squeak of leather; saddles are perfect.

The crackling of a campfire.

Frogs & crickets.

I love the sounds of the wind blowing leaves around in the fall.

Ones that have already been mentioned…


Rain on the roof

Wind in the eaves

The crackling of an open fire
Waves on a beach

Hunting owls
And I’ll raise you …

Steam trains

The Dawn chorus

Wolf howls

Whale singing

I’d guess a bell buoy?

The hiss of many little leaves shaking on trees, as an approaching thunderstorm blows in.

The sound your rollerskates make when you glide along asphalt.

The soft little grunts puppies make when you rub their tummies.

The call to prayer in Istanbul.

The sounds of Loons at 3 in the morning while camping.

A bell bouy ran away with my gull! :mad:
I don’t have a tin roof, but I do have a clear, corrugated plastic roof on the little patio cover. It’s raining pretty well right now, and has been for hours. Don’t get me wrong; I like the rain. It’s one of the reasons I moved up here. But it does get a bit tiresome after a while.

I need to buy a cord of wood. It would be nice to have a fire.

Favorite sounds of the great southwest:
Canyon wrens.
The whoosh-whoosh-whoosh of a flying raven in an otherwise silent slot canyon.

The crack of the bat - it’s only a week or two away.

My great grandparents had a house with a tin roof. Listening to the rain fall was magical. Going to the outhouse wasn’t.

Trains. I love trains. We live near a train track as well, and it used to be so nice to hear them go by and blow their whistles in the middle of the night. Then the city had to ruin that by getting designated as a quiet zone: now the trains can’t blow their whistles once they reach the city limits.

I think I had a campsite next to them once. I wished they’d shut up and go to bed, but no, it was noise, noise noise.

Oh, wait, you mean BIRDS. Never mind.

And I second purring kitties and the sound of the ocean (I’m a Florida girl, the ocean is in my blood).