Hi folks - watch my new favorite show, Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares.
It’s on tonight (Tuesday nights) on BBC America. 9:00 EST. Those in the UK probably already know the show, but I’ve only recently found it. I endorse this endlessly profane, funny, disgusting program.
There are not many episodes. I hope you caught Boneparte’s which was kind of interesting.
I had been to a lunch with Anthony Bourdain a few years ago and asked him was Ramsey as big a ratbag as he appeared to be on his first TV show. I can’t remember the name of it - it was actually a series of documentaries about Ramsey trying to become the youngest chef ever to win a third Michelin star. It was years ago but was very good but he treated his staff like shit.
Bourdain said that Ramsey is a really nice guy, that most of his staff stay for years and love him and that that is just the way things are in high class kitchens.
I’ve seen a couple of episodes. It’s interesting, particularly when you see how badly bungled some of these restaurants are, particularly Bonaparte’s Wine Bar and Restaurant. The owner had no restaurant experience when she bought the place about a year earlier and handed over control to a 21-year-old whom she appointed head chef. Ramsey’s experience there showed very clearly (but painfully) how over his head this guy was.