I recently got hold of an old computer for my father to do some basic word processing tasks on - it’s a 486 running Windows 95, 33 MHz. In other words, ancient.
About two weeks after he got it, a strange thing happened in that there are now always little ‘spots’ of colour on the screen, so reading the screen is a bit like looking through a windshield when it’s raining without using wipers (if you get my meaning). When you open a DOS session (full screen), there are lines of underscores on every second line on the screen. To me, based on this, it seems like a processor, rather than a monitor, issue.
Is this likely to be a virus, or is the computer just on the way out? If it is a virus, is there any easy way to get rid of it (I tried installing my Norton AV on it, but the OS was too early to use it).
Thanks as always for your wisdom and help.