Rangel: Bring Back the Draft

Rep. Charles Rangel Calls for Resuming Military Draft in Event of Iraq War

I would certainly agree with Rangel that having a draft will create less sympathy for war. But I don’t see why this factor needs to be added. As it is now, those who are in the army are those who signed up for the risk of war, and while they should obviously not be thrown into war like cannon fodder, if a situation arises that requires war, that’s what they signed up for. By contrast, having a draft would be creating an artificial obstacle to war even in cases that it is necessary, by creating a large number of reluctant warriors who would exert political pressure out of (legitimate) self-interest.

And his minority claim is just more racial junk. Minorities make up a disproportionate percentage of the military, but not nearly enough for ostensible racists to be thinking “let’s go to war - the casualties will all be minority anyway”.

Here’s the other thread.

I’m sorry, I did not see the other thread. Please ignore this one.

Moderator’s Note: Closing at the request of the OP.