Ranting and raving about Big Trouble in Little China


Just by coincidence I saw this movie on Netflix the other day. I’m trying to decide if it’s appropriate for my 11 year old daughter and 6 year old son. There’s some swearing, but other than that I think it may be OK.

One or two fucks, a bunch of shits, Lo Pan’s demise, and Jack’s trip to the Chinese brothel. They never explicitly say what a brothel is or what services Jack will be receiving for his money.

In the unedited version, there’s a topless woman running down the hall when they’re fleeing the Three Storms, and Jack reacts to her. I noticed it’s not in the version I got from iTunes.

Oh, and I’m watching it on the bus, since this thread made me load it on my iPad.

I recently watched it with my 12 year old grandson. The language doesn’t bother him, he goes to public school. He loved it wholeheartedly.

I have no problem saying “A wizard did it” instead of criticizing plot holes in a movie like this.

“David Lo Pan Style” (Gangnam style parody)

Admittedly, it’s easier to do in a movie that features two actual wizards.

Some other subtle little touches I love…

When they’re all jumping into the water to escape the warehouse, everyone does their own completely awkward graceless “dive”.

What does a centuries-old demi-god choose to line his ancient sacrificial altar with? Why, neon tubing of course!

Carpenter snuck ina little lightning signature of his name, when Lightning is crushed in the hole

I love love LOVE this movie!

Everybody knows that a few years ago they finally made action figures, right?

Re The Three Storms Killing The Wing Kong

I never had a problem with it. Maybe they screwed up and this was Lo Pan’s way of punishing them. Maybe the 3 Storms have a deal with the Wing Kong ‘When you really need us, we will kill your enemies. But, then we will kill a bunch of Wing Kong so that you never call on us frivolously’

Now, I better run. Run into the mystic night. Run until they takes us away. Take us away. Take us away.

Holy fuck.


“1 new from $339.99”

Please forgive the lateness of the reply. Hope I can help answer some of your questions.

I have no idea.

They didn’t.

Dave likes to take a personal hand in things. Besides, considering what knuckleheads the Storms are, would you trust those three bumbling idiots to take care of any task successfully without close supervision?

Sounds good to me.


I assume Pete was one of the supernatural “monsters” living under Chinatown, like the “It will come out NO MORE!” thing.

Yup. “You’ve never been able to beat me, Egg Shen!” Lo Pan gloats. Egg is obviously hundreds of years old at least.

For shits and giggles, probably.

He didn’t kiss her because he’s mentally deficient.

Hope I helped answer some of your questions.

Alfishius, I’m not really seeing that you’re contributing anything here. Bumping a four-year-dormant thread just to add a bunch of “I have no idea” isn’t very productive.

Sorry, there’s a time limit on replying? Honestly wasn’t aware of that. Check my login history - I’m not here much, but I do like popping in from time to time…

I’m sort of bummed you think I contribute nothing. What about that great series of posts about the St. Elsewhere kid? sigh. :frowning:

Indy drives the action in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” though. His pursuit of the Ark is what makes the story. Luke is less of a driver in “The Empire Strikes Back,” but that’s the middle act of a three act play; in the grand context of everything from Star Wars to Jedi he is a major driver of events.

Jack in “Big Trouble” is totally a bumbling sidekick. The action is driven by Wang Chi; logically, he is the protagonist. It’s his quest to save Miao Yin and he’s the true hero. The only oddity is that he’s the one who kills Lo Pan.

Jack Burton is the hero of Big Trouble. If he hadn’t shown up with his rig, then everything would have happened the same way except Lo Pan would have won and Gracie wouldn’t have been involved. Only Jack’s presence makes the rescue of Mao Ying (who would still have been abducted at the airport) possible.

Not to mention that Jack actually defeats David Lo Pan. I can’t believe we are even having this discussion. Jack Burton is the main character and hero, Wang Chi and Egg are his wacky sidekicks.

Is this gonna get ugly now, huh? I hope not.

The thing is, you could have easily made this movie with Wang Shi as the main/viewpoint character, without changing any of the action or dialog, and he would have been the hero. BTiLC is basically Star Wars IV but from Han’s point of view.

Not according to John Carpenter and Kurt Russell.

Or most other people. Kurt Russell had the star power draw, but the film was not about his character.