I’m fucking sick of this shit.
I suspect you are too.
I’m not here to complain though - I’d go to the pit if all I wanted to do was rant. I want a discussion. Unfortunately for me, I don’t know anything about the economics of oil, nor do I have a good understanding of how that relates to the war in Iraq. I heard a lot of people saying “no blood for oil” and claiming that this war was a means of getting more oil. How can that be? If it were true, then where is the oil?!
I don’t really want a debate about the rightness or wrongness of the Iraq war, because there are enough of those already. I want to know first, is there going to be an end to this insane gas price? Is the “bubble” going to burst? Is it only going to get worse from here? It seems like that may be the case.
What are we going to do about this? I hear about hydrogen cars, “gasohol,” biodiesel, fuel cells, solar panels, shale oil - where the hell is all this stuff, besides on the Internet and on the news? It ought to be widely available, and encouraged.
I’ve seen maps of the proposed area that they want to drill in the A.N.W.R. in Alaska, and it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. Why don’t they just do it? Of all the things I’ve said here, this might get me some flack from environmentalists, but I really think it would be better to sacrifice some tundra for the sake of cheaper gas for everyone. Obviously, they should STILL be working on alternative sources of energy, but for 20 years of cheaper gasoline, I say, screw the caribou, and give me the gas.
The other night I was watching the scene in my favorite movie, Mad Max, where the biker gang hijacks the gas tanker and steals the gasoline, and I thought, “2 more years.” In 2 more years we will be seeing that happening. It’s only reasonable. People are sick of being raped at the pump - I desperately hope that this situation causes a modern day Boston Tea Party, and that people in their anger will find some way of rising up and doing something about it (politically.) I mean, this is really insane.
I don’t know anything about the economics of gasoline, the forces in the government (and OPEC) who are regulating it, or anything like that. When it comes to economics, I’m just Joe Sixpack. So is the rest of the country’s population, good or bad. I know everyone is fed up with this. What are we going to do? Will it ever end?