Rate My Kitten!

Here’s my Hanna, I just uploaded her the other day. There are a ton of really cute kittens on the site - good for hours of kitten browsing. I can’t look through the site without saying “awwww, how cute!” at least 20 times.

Ooooooh…look at the cute kitty!

I voted for the cute kitty—what a proud parent you must be.

This is totally rigged. “Kitten Bath” is unbearably cute, and it’s not in the top 5? Damn French judge!

I gave her a 9.

That Molly sure is a cutie.

Good, now everyone rate this kitten! !


Ooohhh… Looka your little Hanna banana!! She’s a 10, alright!!

You must be very proud.

  1. So cute. I checked out a few more to see if I was being too generous. And, imho, Hanna deserves a 10.

I just think this one looks like the T-1000 in mid-change.

I gave that one an 8.

I subtracted two points for making your kitty sniff yer finger.

Someone wanna rate my kitty?

Awwww! I think your Hannah is going to wind up looking like my Eponine (only not quite as pretty, of course). Does Hannah have little orange splotches on her, too, or is she a plain tabby?

I give Hanna a 7, but my son gives it a 9.
All cats are 9 to him, though he prefers orangies.



She is mostly tabby, with a creamy color on her chest and belly. She has these strange cream colored splotches on her ears, like two dots. Thanks for rating my kitten, everyone. Of course I’m biased and think she deserves a ten.

[sub]I didn’t think she was so cute when she knocked my alarm clock off my nightstand at 4:30 AM the other morning, waking me up with a scare, but…[/sub]

I think there’s something strange going on with their ratings system, though. Some of the top ten are just not all that cute, or at least not any cuter than all kittens are inherently. I wonder if they forgot to make sure you couldn’t vote for yourself a hundred times?

Nice job, Encylopedia Brown. :slight_smile:

Not only that, but I can’t find “Kitten Bath,” which was absoridludicrously cute, of a furball getting out of a barbie house bathtub.

All together now!


Nice site, Antrhracite.

Yo, check out “Julie.” That’s one BAD cat! yikes…