Ratio - How many syllables

How many syllables does the word ratio have? Is it two or three? It sounds like three, but Websters has it with two syllables.

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Both. On M-W.com, it lists two pronounciations (2 and 3). I think the one with two syllables is the British pronounciation.

Does the way a word is prononuced change the number of syllables?

Three syllables. Rhymes with fellatio.

It can.

For instance, cave in English is one, where as in Latin (pron: KA-vey) it is two. I’m sure there are similar examples within English but I can’t think of one right now.

The American Heritage Dictionary says fellatio has four syllables. I for one wouldn’t want to miss that syllable it is my favorite.


My favorite syllable being the last.

I said it rhymed, I didn’t say it had the same number of syllables.

But if I would have read what you wrote correctly I couldn’t have told my stupid joke.

Back on topic. Is the number syllables a word has determined by how it is pronounced?

Depends. “Shit” is a three-syllable word in Texas. :smiley:

I’d say so, syllables are enunciated and so must be based on pronunciation - the word as it is heard.
Personally, I’d give ratio 3, ray-she-o although I have heard people pronounce it as ray-sho, so it’s 2 to them.

Different pronunciation of the same word doesn’t neccesarily give rise to different syllable counts, though. An American friend says hostile completely differently to me, but she and I both count 2 syllables in it.

In both cases, though, the number of syllables comes from the way the word is pronounced.