Re-elect Sheriff Joe Arpaio and help put the "or" back in honor

Please stop using “conservative” as though it means the same thing as “reactionary.”

And the only reason it doesn’t describe Arpaio is because the goddamn psychopath somehow avoids punishment for everything from spouting lies that would make Cliff Claven blush in embarrassment at having said it to stealing money from the state to indulge his humiliation fetish.

You really should take a look at this.

You have a point…but, in the U.S., today, there is almost no non-reactionary element of the conservative movement. The extremists own the ideology. Donald Trump is the face of conservatism today.

If I recall correctly from law school, a judge can handle civil contempt himself, but criminal contempt must be prosecuted like any other crime.

Wow. Bigot much?

Wow. Mirror ever?

Carefully dotting every i and crossing every t to insure that there are no complications is getting Joe his hot-pink jumpsuit and stale baloney sandwiches.

I sincerely hope that was a joke. He literally just pointed out how conservatives cry bigotry at things that aren’t.

Clothahump is, alas, totally humor-impaired, and wouldn’t know irony if it bit him in his shiny metal ass. He has made a long career on the SDMB by proving others right and himself wrong, by demonstrations of exactly this kind.

He is definitely one of those, “You said ‘boo’ to someone for using the n-word, so you’re exactly as bad as they are” brands of tools.

Ah. I’ve had him on ignore for so long, I didn’t remember his schtick.