Re: Regards, Shodan

I’m often blown away by the trivial things that seem to piss people off. I say if you want to use a sig, then use a sig. If it annoys anyone, they can feel free to put you on ignore.

Hugs and Kisses,

Enola Gay

And yet I find it annoying. Couldn’t put my finger on the exact reason until I realized–oh yea, it sounds pompous and self important as shit. I can’t help but get the impression that when he appends it to his every post like each one is some special-ass letter, it’s never sincere.

Is it suppose to be sincere? If so why? I thought it was just suppose to be polite.

did you miss the post where he admitted that sometimes it does in fact mean “fuck you”?

Doesn’t bother me. If you’ve made it that far, you’ve likely seen a lot worse.


Feel free.

Accommodatingly yours,

askeptic, aside from the practical matter of having to use only mind-reading mods to police the boards in the manner you’d prefer, I think you’re attaching a weight to this that is silly.

If the Queen glares at you and snarls, “We are not at all amused. Good day, sir,” she’s not really wishing you a good day. We might even say it’s the royal version of “fuck you, you contemptible jerk, and get the hell out of here.” That doesn’t render the words unacceptable in polite society. And no amount of shock and injury you take from “regards” will render it an offensive term, not in any context, regardless of the intent behind it. Sorry.

you’re right I concede the point. I didn’t like my original wording when I posted it but as I am using an iPhone it was too much trouble to go back and change it. To be clear I don’t give a shit what silly affectation people adopt be it “regards” or “enjoy” I think if he wants to do it he should and if I want to think he is a silly ass I can. After his admission in this thread though he can hardly claim it is always just a polite innocuous affectation.

If you can’t recognize intelligence in those with whom you disagree, it says more about you than it does about them.

I think that is the discussion he is referring to in the OP.

I see no problem with the sig. There is a slight awkwardness in that it seems to imply an end to the interaction (you’re signing off) when that isn’t exactly what’s happening in an ongoing thread. Still, if you want to do it I see no reason why that should be an issue for anyone else. Of course, I’d love to entirely reorient your position on various issues, but your sig? I’d feel pretty petty if I got on your case about that.

I noticed it the first week I lurked here. After that I didn’t even see it. It bothers me not, and I can’t imagine a situation in which it would. YMMV, of course, but I can’t see that it’s all that important.

I love the way the sign off often seems to contrast with the content of the post.

For those that do find it annoying, so what? Too bad if your eyes had to be burdened by something that annoys you on a message board. I feel the same way every time my eyeballs have to choke back your corny smilies, but I’m not trying to get smilies banned or anything.

Eh, for myself I eventually just stopped doing it. It was a correspondance habit and I did indeed regard posts like e-mails. Not signing my posts just looked wrong somehow. But signatures, even entirely generic ones like mine, seem to annoy enough people that eventually I figured that I might as well just drop it.

I honestly haven’t missed it once I got out of the habit.

Shodan, you are now on my ignore list, along with everyone else who uses those cutesy sigs. They annoy the *bejezus *out of me. Yes, I would actually rather not see your posts at all than having to read those two lines of text. Yes, I’m serious.

But, yeah, YMMV.

Actually, I disagree with him from time to time. I don’t keep track.

What makes you think I agree with him?

Tsk, Tsk. The first rule of Ignore List is we do not talk about Ignore List.

What’s one without the other? Annoying, that’s what.

No. It’s roughly 24,000 lines of text and counting.

I forgive you for your short-comings,
Erasmus Darwin

Whether intended or not, I very often perceive it as the latter. Which is one reason I feel it out of place in GD and elsewhere other than the Pit.

I get the impression that you derive some enjoyment out of pissing people off, and your insincere sig just gives you another way in which to do so.

The fact that a significant number of people dislike it is not enough of a reason to desist? After all, as you acknowledge, it is only a message board. Even if you feel the others are being unreasonable in disliking it, I think it reflects poorly on you that you desire to continue doing something that you know pisses other people off.

And that is why some people are annoyed by it.

I find it mildly obnoxious, but nowhere near as bad as a guy years ago on another forum who used to sign all his posts “Hope this helps”. This guy was a complete jerk who I’m sure would have been banned from the SDMB. Whether he’d posted actual information or a disgusting, bizarrely detailed personal insult (the latter being quite common for him), he’d always finish with “Hope this helps”.