Real Life Definition of Irony

I couldn’t help but to think on stories my older brother told us about chickens running around with their heads cut off. :dubious:

Well, I was going to say that I feel sorry for the kid who apparently went in there with him because, stupid as it was, he still shouldn’t have had to see that, but I think the thread might have gone on without me.

“Godammit, kid. You oughtta know better than to jump those fences. What were you thinking? Where’s your head?!”

[harvey korman]

head 'em off at the pass?!?!? I hate that cliche!

:: fires gun at Kuboydal’s foot ::

[/h k]


If you want to get ahead get a hat !
If you want to get a hat get a head.

Old British advertising slogan that my old mum used to quote ,it just seemed somehow…appropriate.

Billy, I don’t care if Johnny’s mom lets him go to the park. YOU can’t.
If Johnny’s mom let him cut off his head, would you do it too?

I see he was with a Baptist church group. At the moment I’m failing to come up with an appropriate baptism joke – perhaps someone else can provide it.

Something to do with his head on a plate, à la John the Baptist…thinking, thinking…

Maybe he had a girlfriend named Sally Mae?

Headless teen comes back to slay teens on ride that decapitated him. A made-for-SciFi movie!*

*two posts in twenty minutes where I can say that?coincidence I swear!

woah. that went over my head until my all too smart wife educated me about salamone = sally mae

heh heh… I said “over my head”

That one might have been too cerebral for this thread.

The pilot (McWatt) cut in half a guy (Kid Sampson) standing on a pontoon. I recalled it as deliberate, but I see Wiki says it was an accident. But in any case it was on a pontoon, not a beach, and no jumping was involved.

What I’m wondering is if his head was punted off by the foot of someone riding the roller coaster. That’s the only scenario that really makes sense; that it would be an inverted coaster.

Nothing witty to add, but I just saw on CNN that they will be performing an autopsy tomorrow. UMMMM, WHY?!?

His head was chopped off-- we know why/how he died.

I’m an employee who runs rides at SF Over Texas. A very similar thing happened a while ago at the same park. The story was retold to us in graphic detail on our first day of ride training.

A guy lost his hat on the ride and was about to hop the fence to go in after it. An employee stopped him and told him that it was a restricted area and that only authorized people were allowed. So the employee then climbed the fence and went after it. :smack: He ended up getting hit by the dangling legs of a little girl and being killed instantly, while the girl was paralyzed. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I go back in tomorrow - maybe the guests will listen a bit harder when I tell them that things aren’t allowed for their own safety.

One of the inspirations for the great British political comedy Yes Minister was something the authors had heard about as they were considering whether they could make a successful political comedy. A member of the party then in opposition had got onto an issue he felt strongly about, and organised a national campaign on the matter, including the circulation of a gigantic petition that ended up with a million signatures. This petition was duly presented to the government of the day … however in the meantime there had been an election and the politician involved was now in government. More than that, he held the ministerial portfolio covering the issue - unsurprisingly, as he had campaigned on it so strongly. Ironically his government’s policy on the matter was to continue the status quo, so he was forced to refuse to put in place the exact measure that he himself had advocated and started the petition to support. Now that’s irony.

Presumably to test for pharmaceuticals, brain tumours, or other potentially contributory factors.

Sir Frank Soskice (as he later became), then shadow Home Secretary, and his campaign to secure a posthumous pardon for Timothy Evans , hanged for the murder of his wife and daughter. When one of the key witnesses for the Crown, John “Reg” Christie, later confessed to and was convicted of multiple murders himself, it raised an outcry that an innocent man may have been convicted on a serial killer’s evidence.

Yes, I noted that earlier. I can only assume they’re checking for drugs or alcohol, which if found present could help derail any lawsuit.