Recent novels translated into English

I posed this in another thread, but it;'s been dormant for a year and a half.

Where can I find recommendations for ** Books by modern writers in other languages, translated into English.** (Currently popular writers still releasing new titles.)

I’ve read Muriel Barbery, Peter Hoeg, Stieg Larson, Herta Müller, Per Petterson, Bernhard Schlink, and several Japanese authors. Where can I find recommendations for others that I might be missing? Surely, European writers must be writing some good novels in their own languages?

John Ajvide Lindqvist’s *Låt den rätte komma in *(2004) was translated from Swedish into Let the Right One In (and made into a Swedish film that was later remade in the United States). Lindqvist’s bibliography has more than a dozen titles, and the latest book was released this year.

Let the Right One In is superficially about a vampire, but it’s really so much more than that – an excellent book (and really effective movies, too – the Swedish version is much better than the U.S. version, but the latter’s not bad by any means).

Karl Ove Knausgård’s multi-volume autobiographical novel seems to be getting a lot of attention at the moment.

What genre are you looking for? Crime, thrillers, literary fiction? Those are probably the most translated. Plenty of smaller presses publish almost exclusively translated fiction; the bigger hits get scooped up by divisions of the Big 5 publishers.

If you go here, you’ll get a list of every book translated into English for the first time in 2014 (they also have lists for previous years):

My question is predicated on certain assumptions:

  1. Europe has a larger non-English speaking population than that of the English-speaking population of the USA/UK.

  2. Their education standards are comparable to ours.

  3. They write books (I guess)…

I listed a few authors of general contemporary fiction (of no particular genre) that I was familiar with, which you may use as a clue about the kinds of literature I am talking about.

I had hoped that someone here would be sufficiently familiar with some of them to offer a few recommendations.

Thank you for the link to the translation site. It is exhaustive and daunting, and I can’t find a user-friendly way to make it useful to a casual reader looking for a few recent best-sellers worthy of note.