Recent server timeout errors — anyone else getting them?


Well it seems to be better lately. Thanks for your attention Jenny!

I told the guys upstairs. Hope they find a fix/a cause/something to make this better.


504 error still happening Sunday morning, 0845 EST.

You expected this to be fixed overnight? Give them some time.

Pretty much what **MrDibble **said. I only noticed it starting yesterday, but it’s happened multiple times and it doesn’t seem to have a pattern as to time.

I don’t expect anything. I’m just reporting a fact.

502 error, at 0644 PST Sunday.

502 and 504 errors all day yesterday and it’s worse this morning.

This is now the fourth attempt for this post.

My memory may not be reliable, but it seems to me that this happens a lot more often on weekends.

Started noticing it yesterday afternoon and it seems much worse this morning.

This is a problem that has been discussed before but for some reason at some level is not to be admitted around here. The problem is vBulletin.

What do you mean “Not to be admitted?”

Neither myself nor the moderators have server side access – not sure what we could do if we DID have that kin of access to the system.

It’s a management thing.

I reported the problem. Seeing as it’s the weekend they’re perhaps not as attentive as we would like but it’s the weekend, whatchagonnado?

Sorry it’s not a perfect situation here.

your humble TubaDiva

It seems that when there are a lot of posts on a board vBulletin just sometimes gets bogged down. I’ve seen it happen on other boards like when the poker forums at became popular and we started seeing the same time-outs there. The solution for those other boards was to switch away from vBulletin.

Here, some years ago, somebody somewhere at some level of authority stated that vBulletin was not the problem and that part of the discussion ceased.

This not something you or the mods can solve by fixing vBulletin.

Good luck.

If TPTB are open to switching…

Loads of 'em! This weekend (including Friday evening) I was getting lots of 504 gateway messages.

Timeouts, slow posts, difficulty in getting SDMB responses, I’ve got 'em all today.


Thanks again for your continued attention, Jenny.

I just got it again, @1032 PST Sun 08 Dec, when selecting to view the latest post in the Trivia Dominoes thread game (ETA, that was from my Subscribed Threads page).

I got hit with a lot of those yesterday when the OP was posted; today seems fine so far. For whatever reason it was only in ATMB - I could post fine in other forums.

And I’ve just been getting a bunch over the last 15 minutes