Recent server timeout errors — anyone else getting them?

Frequently, yesterday and today.

504 Gateway Time-out
502 Bad Gateway
Error: Server Error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.

Are you also getting them?

Yes, all the time.

Me, too.

I think these lyrics sum up my current attitude…

If it happens again, I’m leaving
I’m packing my things and go
If it happens again, there’ll be no turning back
I won’t say I told you so

Seriously, I had to reload some pages five or more times before the 502/504 circle jerk stopped.

502/504 circle jerk. Yeah that about sums it up.

as well

Me too.
I always blame HughesNet though.
Or a bird flying by.
Or a cloud.
Or someone using profanity in the next county.
Pixies and Elves.
Yep, that’s it: Pixies and Elves.

Sorry to hear you’ve been having problems.

Please let me quiz you a bit so we can present some findings to the tech people.

Does this happen all the time?
Does it happen every day?
Does it happen multiple times per day?
Does it seem to happen more at certain times of the day?

I’m sorry that this is happening to you at all, but let’s see if we can find a pattern here.

your humble TubaDiva

Well you can scratch HughesNet off your list. Or you can keep blaming them; your call, Beck.

For me, it happens at least once a day, 502/504, or serious delay in a reply posting, then sometimes a 502/504 with that. Happens at all hours, even after clearing out memory. Refreshing computer works, temporarily, but not even a day later, it’s 502/504 circle jerk again.

They certainly get lots of my scratch every month. (:))
The alternative is homing pigeons or smoke signals.

Frequently, yesterday and today, when from my subscriptions page I click the link to the latest post of the Trivia Dominoes thread game (the right arrow next to the last poster’s name).

But it does not (or, rarely) happen when I load my subscriptions page.

ETA: laptop at work, or iPad at home, both get frequent 502/504 circle jerk!

The more scratch you send, Beck, the more right you have to complain!

In general, I get them only occasionally. This morning, I’ve gotten at least 10. It’s particular to this site.

Just between youse and me, I hear Jeffrey Epstein is to blame.

Editing posts has been a real struggle today.

The boards are going down more often than Liane Cartman for me today.

**Does this happen all the time? **
Only last few days - say 4 or so

Does it happen every day?

Yes, since it started

Does it happen multiple times per day?

Yes, dozens.

Does it seem to happen more at certain times of the day?

Not that I’ve noticed. It definitely happens both day and night.

Yes, for several days, multiple times each day, but in no discernible pattern.

It’s happened multiple times yesterday and today when I click on a thread or try to post.