I’m making a cake for denizens of Tartarus, with the the following ingredients.
one teaspoon cerumen oil
two cubes of the finest French smegma cheese
mix in three cups of succus entericus extract
fold in one pound of strained meconium
a dash of sweetened crusta lactea (to taste)
I’m wondering if I’ve forgotten anything. Do you have anything to suggest, either for the cake itself or a side dish?
(I suggest a Google Image search on each ingredient, to get into the spirit of the thing.)
is it a multilayer cake? make fromunda cheese frosting instead of using it as a substitute for the smegma* (similar to creamcheese frosting) and put toejam between the two layers?
*although I’m just guessing this would work, I’m not a chefguy nor have I ever played on tv or in a movie
Yes, physical ingredients for the damned souls. The souls themselves and all their shattered dreams yadda yadda yadda at some point become foodstuffs for the demons, but that’s not my department.
Oh, I was saving stinky tofu as a side dish. The first time I visited Taiwan, I had to stop and gag for a moment, asking my companion, “who on Earth is frying dog shit on the street?!”
Only problem is some people apparently like it. Bleah.