I can’t vouch for his tech skills, as I’ve never really had to use him (he did help my mom with some slowness issues), but I can vouch for him being an honest and fair guy who won’t screw you over.
Simple in that it almost always works. Not simple in that you often have to redo a lot of stuff you’ve already done.
If you are going to go that route, be sure and try a Repair Install first. A full reinstall will wipe out your apps, and even your documents, if you don’t have them backed up somewhere.
I actually have access to online resources that can rebuild a damaged windows install without disrupting apps or documents. With a snail mailed boot disk sometimes we can even fix an XP install that is otherwise unbootable.
Even repair installs come with challenges if you have drivers that are incompatible with the version on your disk. Several viruses also can wreak havok with getting a stable repair install to go through. If the RI crashes you are left with an unbootable machine and most likely a trip to the shop anyway.