While up in the attic changing the HVAC filter, it occurred to me that I (73 y.o. and live alone) really need a way to call for help to avoid the scenarios in [Dying alone: what safety measures are feasible?].
I don’t really need the expensive “Life Alert” monitoring systems, just a button to push that calls 911 when the dodgy hip finally gives out. Of course, there is a bewildering array of smartwatches that apparently will fill the bill.
All my gadgets are Android based, so I’m eliminating Apple. I’m looking at models from Garmin, Samsung, and Citizen’s but they all seem to have some serious flaws (short battery life, small print, inadequate documentation, etc) per the Amazon reviews. I’m hoping that some of you on the Board with experience in this technology can recommend a model that has worked for you. Thanks!
I have an Apple Watch which works well for me for that purpose, but you’re not an Apple person. I would try to find every wearable device that will work with your phone and actually look at them. If you find one you think will work buy it. If it doesn’t suit your needs you can always return it and try something else. New devices come out all the time.
Thank you @dolphinboy! I’d do the Apple Watch if I wasn’t so deeply embedded in the Android platform.
Anyhow, further research has turned up another stumbing block: the Samsung smartwatches with LTE connectivity only work with certain carriers (Consumer Cellular is not one) who charge a monthly fee (so might as well get a Life Alert). The Samsung watches with Bluetooth connectivity require pairing with a compatible smartphone and it looks like the range is only about 30 ft. So no going out to mow the lawn without taking the phone with you, which is annoying because it falls out of my pocket (broke one this way and lost another) and why have a smartwatch then at all.
I’m leaning toward resurrecting one of my old fanny packs and just hauling the phone around with me & hoping I don’t sit on it. Why does everything have to be so complicated???
I know it can stink if you ask for one kind of advice and get another, so obviously feel free to disregard this. If switching to T-Mobile is an option, you might want to look into it.
I have a relatively low cost monthly plan with them, and they just sent an offer out to add a watch only data plan for $5/month. The watch would be free. It might be worth checking out.
Otherwise, the only way I’ve heard of watches connecting is via Bluetooth. Are you wanting to find one that can connect via wifi?
I was looking into Life Alert-type products for my eightysomething parents a few months ago. I found a site that reviewed them and recommended Bay Alarm Medical over Life Alert itself or ADT and I thought that a smaller company like that might be better. In the end, I think my mother ended up signing up for a system from ADT, which I think already does their home security system. But the important thing is to wear the stupid device. A friend of theirs died in the tub or fell in the tub and died after having left the device hanging on the door.
Thank you for the info about T-Mobile. Their plan is competitive with my pay-as-you-go Consumer Cellular plan. This is definitely something I will look into.
As I understand it (though very superficially) the problem with connecting via Bluetooth is that it requires tethering to another device with Bluetooth & wifi service and the Bluetooth signal is only reliable for about 30 feet. That means if I’m outside cleaning the gutters I would need to take my phone with me anyway. So I’d really like a wifi model.
Garmin 945 LTE can alert if you have the watch, a small monthly ($6/mo - annual or $7/mo - monthly plan) & are in an area with coverage; the last one covers most but not everyone’s home depending upon where you live.
You’re alerting preset contacts, not making phone calls on the fly.
Nice watch! — and for $649.99 it better be!