Recommend a thread

I’m kind of a newbie 'roud here. I’ve been reading “the Dope” for a few months and only recently started participating. I’ve gone back and read a lot of old threads along w/ the new.

I’m looking for some really interesting threads which you would consider worthwhile. I’ve seen a large variety, from the fascinating to the truly stupid. I notice there’s a large gap at the first of this year, damned shame!

Question: What thread would you recommend? why?

I nominate “Am I farting holes in my underwear?”.

I was glad to see it asked, because that question had just been eating at me.

HA -HAAAAAAAAA shit, yeah that’s a good one allright, good for a laugh anyway…I’m gonna go back and finish it as soon as I quit crying

It’s pretty hard to go past threadspotting if you’re after the all-time classics.

This thread about the WTC crash as events unfolded is interesting.

The Everything Changed thread is indelibly burned into my brain - for reasons which will become apparent when you read the OP by Cartooniverse.

I forgot to include this thread about Memorial Day

The GQ forum is for questions with factual answers. I’ll move this to IMHO.

The Best Pit Rants.

And every newbie ought to check out the SDMB Anthology Project. Links to some classic funny threads in that one as well.