So, I want to ask for a banjo for X-Mas. I’m a passable rhythm guiatarist (chords, I don’t want to make it cry or sing!), and I really enjoy some of the alt-country out there (older Wilco, Son Volt, Jayhawks), and I want to learn the banjo.
I’ve been looking at, and I see a large array of banjo types, from Tenor to 6-string, “clawhammer”, etc.
Any suggestions, so I can get the most fun for my X-mas present?
I was just coming in to bump it for you with a slightly OT question. Are you planning on taking lessons or teaching yourself?
I ask because I’ve considered getting my husband a banjo and lessons for Christmas but I don’t really know the feasibility of doing so. I want to watch this thread and see what banjo people suggest for you.
I bought mine in an antique store, so I can’t really say for sure, but it’s a 5-string and looking through, I’d have to say it’s a Bluegrass style banjo. I’ve been able to pick it up pretty well on my own, with the help of Mel Bay’s guides. I think the booklet I bought is “You Can Learn Banjo” or something like that, and it’s very basic and easy to understand, came with a DVD to follow along.
Hope that helps some!
I love my banjo, though I haven’t practiced in a bit. Its name is Uncle Joey.
I plan to teach myself (Banjos for Dummies, probably) until I have the basics down (chords, general idea of what sounds good on the banjo, etc.), and then I’ll get some classes. Please keep in mind that I don’t usually have a problem in making 1/2 per evening to mess around on guitar, so I have time and the inclination to practice.
If your husband doesn’t seem gung-ho on the banjo, then maybe classes right out of the gate would be better…YMMV.
You can buy mine - a genuine 1919 Clifford Essex Paragon from the UK.
I can’t play banjo - mine is 4-string for frailing, a softer thumbpad/fingertip style (like MK himself) rather than bluegrass/clawhammer (all nails or fingerpicks). Bluegrass banjos have a 5th string with a slide (like a 1-string capo) to use as a drone.
The thing about a banjo is that it is always loud - for emphasis, a banjo player just plays faster.
There, the sum total knowledge I have about banjos - oh one more thing - I suck at banjo.
The second product down is a starter kit. My brother, who plays the banjo, says Rogue’s play better than starter instrument.
Also be aware that there are two sort of banjos out there. One chooses according to their style of play. One is open backed and is intended for a “framming” strumming style. The other has a back and resonator and is intended, as previously stated, for fingerpicking.
My boyfriend went down to Bill’s Pickin’ Parlor and had them suggest him a banjo (it was used and I don’t know anything about it.) I was considering learning it a bit, though, since I used to play the piano but have never really played a stringed instrument - Suzuki violin doesn’t count. He also got lessons there, $15 a pop. He wishes he’d done more, though - he got distracted and put it down for a while.
The only thing is, the damned things are loud and I hate it when he practices. His other instrument is the accordion. Sometimes I think I’ve gone to hell and we’re working up the World’s Most Annoying Band. He also has a kazoo.
My first banjo was a Washburn B-10 I got from Picker’s Supply in Fredericksburg, VA for around $125. It was good enough to get started on and determine whether or not I wanted to step up to a better banjo. That better banjo is a Gold Tone Bluegrass 250F I got from for around $700-something. It’s rock solid compared to the Washburn. It’s really a joy to play.
I looked at banjos in my price range and read reviews at banjo hangout and finally made the purchase when I had the funds.
I live in an apartment so when I got the Washburn I took the resonator off and stuffed in some old t-shirts to muffle it. I play the Gold Tone unmuffled.
I recommend getting a banjo from a banjo or acoustic instrument specialist because it’ll be set up perfectly. The big mail-order houses may or may not know how to set it up properly, if at all.
I bought this one for my wife last Christmas. It’s a great little banjo. Bright, snappy, LOUD tone, and it’s light. Easy on the eyes, too (it’s got a version of the classic eagle motif on the back.)