Recommend me some good Korean language software!

Recommend me some good Korean software, please. I’m looking for something that will let me type and read in Korean in Internet Explorer and other programs. I’ve tried Unionway, and NJstar (both older versions), but they really weren’t good for me. They each had their own little flaws. Is there anything you guys have used? Can I get a patch for Explorer that will let me type in Korean? My computer is currently running Windows XP home edition. Thanks!

If Astroboy (not Astro, AFAIK) is still around, he was an ESL teacher in Korea, and, IIRC, has a Korean wife. He can probably make some excellent suggestions.

Download the language pack(s) from the MS website, they’ll do the trick.
In IE you’ll be able to view the pages in Korean.
In office you will be able to type Korean, even hanja.

Sorry, I tried to post here last night, but the hamsters were at lunch! Anyways, thanks for the vote, Poly, but I’m afraid I really have no good suggestions… I used a variety of software in my Koreans studies, but none of it was very good. Perhaps someone else might know of some good software.

You can download Korean fonts to allow you to read Korean easily enough. I don’t know if they will be on your WinXP CD or not (as I don’t know XP well), but if they are not, you certainly can get them from Microsoft. Go to, and click on the Windows Update link. Once it’s done examining your computer, you will have a list of downloads available for your OS and you can choose the Korean Language pack (as suggested by Roger above). That will allow you to read Korean and also to type Korean and Hanja (Chinese characters) in programs that are compatable with language IMEs.

I wish I could be more helpful, but I just haven’t run across any really good software for learning Korean. Haeng-un ee Iki-rul!

Although I’m in Korea, I really can’t speak Korean well so I’m not sure I can help. However I will contribute that the predominant word processing package here seems to be Hangul Word (kind of a MS Word clone but not a MS product - it is identified by data files with *.hwp names.). Everyone here seems to use MS Windows, IE 6.0 and Outlook with the Korean language packs from Microsoft with no problems.

Thanks for the responses! I’m trying the Korean language pack (the global IME) right now to see how it works. We have the Hangul Word, but it’s not very convenient for typing into Internet Explorer and all. Hopefully this will fix our problem. It sounds like the IME should do the trick.