Recommend to me things to do in the UK

My job requires that I go to the UK a few times a year. When my boss (who is from the UK) goes with me, he is kind enough to donate his free time to show me around. I have been to:
Stone Henge
Avebury Henge
One of the chalk horses
A very old forest (whose name I don’t recall)
and have driven around London.

I really enjoy seeing these types of historic places, especially enjoyed Bath and Avebury.

We are going again next week and we will have a day to sight see. He has asked where I want to go. I’m sure there are tons of great things to do that I haven’t thought to ask. Where should we go?

Warwick and Stratford upon Avon are very nice if you’re into the historic places. Warwick Castle is beautiful, and Warwick and Stratford are close enough that you can probably combine one trip to see them both.

Can you get to northern England?

I would recommend a day in either Chester or York, either city is fantastic to walk around and enjoy.

If you can get that far North, I’d recommend visiting Lincoln (it’s about a 3 hour drive from London).

The Castle is home to a copy of Magna Carta from 1215 and the cathedral is wonderful.

Here’s some pictures of the cathedral, and here’s some of the medieval buildings in the city.

On preview, York is great too.

We will be staying in Swindon which I understand is south and west of London.

Swindon’s in Wiltshire, which is near Avebury and (presumably) Uffington White Horse that you’ve already visited. You’re also near Silbury Hill, which is an archaeological oddity. You’re also only slightly more than an hour to the South Coast, where there are some interesting things to see in Portsmouth (though the town doesn’t have much else to recommend it), and Chichester’s an interesting mediaeval city, too.

Scotland. There’s a lot more to the UK than just England.

Good point. Though Scotland’s a bit of a hike from Swindon - the Welsh border is only an hour away though.

Oh, and Glastonbury’s a nice town to visit (if you ignore all the new-age bollocks).

The bluebells will be just about at their peak next week; make sure you pay a visit to an established beech forest somewhere.

Yes - I was in the Chilterns this weekend and the woods between Henley and Watlington were bluebell-tastic. Beautiful.

Swindon’s not so very far from Oxford. You might enjoy a tour of the colleges, or a visit to the cathedral, or a punt on the Isis … something typically Oxonian, anyway.

Oops, forgot to mention Oxford. Walked around that town as well.

I was at Warwick recently, and I must admit I thought it the most unappealing experience I’ve had in a castle. A ghost tower truly does not need ghostly music piped into it. It just doesn’t.

Anyway, Stratford and York are definitely gorgeous, but if you’re going to be south of London, I would recommend Chichester or Winchester (for the cathedral if nothing else). Winchester Cathedral houses one of my favourite sculptures, Sound II, in the crypt of the church. Stunning sculpture.

And definitely Oxford. If you’re into hiking or walking at all, take a walk through some National Trust land. It’s beautiful at the moment.

Blenheim Palace gardens (in Woodstock, north of Oxford, and Churchill’s childhood home) are particularly stunning at this time of year.

Also Cambridge.

Windsor Castle is a great place to spend at least half a day. The other haf can probably be whiled away in the various shops located around the castle itself. If you go to Windsor, try to stop by the Oak and Crown pub (I think that’s what it’s called). It’s a nice little place right below the castle that has a fantastic restaurant with wonderful english quisine. I know, usually that last bit is a bit of an oxymoron, but in this case it works. Try the fish and chips - it’s magnificent!

Or the Royal Oak perhaps?

From what you’ve been to I’m assuming that you are in London or the South of England, in which case both Winchester and Canterbury are highly recommended. Both are ancient cities with knockout Cathedrals.

Ely is worth a visit - small with a good cathedral as is the city of Cambridge…

The cotswolds are very popular as they are very beautiful.

This is true, and I fully agree with you. I mean, its not like the tower even is haunted. :wink:

And I second SmackFu’s suggestion of Cambridge - its beautiful. Just be sure not to do the irritating American tourist thing, and be really loud around the colleges; its Exam Term at the moment (the unofficial name for Easter Term), students will be stressed, and if you stand under their windows talking loudly, I can guarantee that either they’ll get the porters to tell you to STFU, or the students will take matters into their own hands and get you with water pistols. I speak from experience, having done the latter to a very loud group of American tourists talking under my window as I was attempting to revise. :slight_smile:

Just to walk around in, Oxford is one of my favourite towns in England (close second is Liverpool). Although London beats any city in the UK for entertainment, diversity, history, and of course, food.

If you go to Oxford, be sure to stop at Blackwells Bookseller. I think I drop about 100 quid everytime I step into their store(Main branch, that is)