I got an email that my old student loan company made another automatic payment from my checking account. The problem is that the amount owed is now back to next to the entire amount that I got in 1990, and I paid it off fully in 2004.
I just noticed:
Bosda’s Rules
For Interacting With Bureaucracy
Without Going Mad
- “Yes” can be turned into “No”, & vice versa if a sufficient amount of wordage is applied to the problem
- Never accept a “No” from somebody who hasn’t got the authority to say “Yes”.
- If at first you don’t succeed, apply again elsewhere.
- Be sweet–you’ll suprise people.
- Do not apply for anything on a Monday Morning, or on a Friday afternoon.
- Do not apply for anything 30 minutes before Lunch, or closing time.
- Never shout.
- Never use foul language, even if we deserve it.
- Never threaten.
- Never try to throw your weight around.
- We know your taxes pay our salaries, & we think you’re a cheapskate.
- If you really had important friends, you wouldn’t even be speaking to us. You’d be handled by our Boss.
- Fill out everything. Even if it isn’t any of our business. Just put something there, we don’t care what.
- Never forget that the last guy who asked for what you want was a real jerk. Or, at least, act like he was.
Any other suggestions for getting this fixed? I’d rather not have to change my bank account / checks / online payments to keep this company from my money, and then have to file a small-claims suit to get the payment back. No, I don’t currently have any proof that I paid it, unless they sent me an email that’s logged on Hotmail. I’ve moved so many times that I wouldn’t know where a final letter from them would be.