Red hair like the Joker... how is this happening?

i never did trust ronald mcdonald

I don’t know about you, but if reinforcing the “lives in basement” stereotype puts me and dozens of other “fanboys” into a category further away from the “insane mass murderer” stereotype, then, yes, I’ll take that.

I much prefer a slightly mocking and easy-to-dispute stereotype about intrapersonal skills and nerdiness than one where people call the cops because they worry that I’m going to blow them away simply because I’m dressing up as a character from a film or book.

Please understand - I KNOW the dude is unhinged, and that he was either basing that unhingedness or purposefully relating that unhingedness to a specific character for his own unhinged purposes. I just think that character relation is secondary to the unhinged part.

That’s why I think it’s unfortunate that everyone in the media is harping on the “OMG he dressed up like the Joker” aspect. People watching this trial unfold are going to pay most attention to and remember the parts that are repeated, and it’s been repeated MANY TIMES that he was “dressed like the Joker.”

I would really rather them repeat multiple times that he was dressed in kevlar, and that he told a police officer that he was the Joker, which is the actual truth, makes his mental state a bit more clear, and doesn’t make everyone worried about harmless freaks like me who like dressing up in costume for fun events rather than for mayhem.

I understand that it’s not going to happen, because the truth isn’t a neat soundbyte that leads directly into a superficial examination of “violent movies” influencing behavior for their news show, but yes, it does bother me.

It’s partly not going to happen because of the reasons you stated. It’s mostly not going to happen because it’s totally irrelevant if he tried to look like the Joker and got the hair color wrong.

Maybe he is color blind.

I’m a bad person - I laughed.

“Well Anderson it’s important to note that the Joker actually had green hair. Some Batman fans are quite upset about that.”

I was snarking but I bet the colors look pretty similar to my brother.

People think this is the Joker.

Could that be the plan, or am I overthinking it?

“Your honor, my client pleads not guilty by reason of insanity. Could he tell right from wrong? Why, he couldn’t even tell green from red! He’ll testify that he believes himself to be the sworn enemy of Batman – and then spell out that he thinks Batman got his powers from a radioactive spider bite!”

Red**/**Green color blindness, may-hap?

Judging from the arraignment photos, I think someone’s confused The Joker with Sideshow Bob.

And Batman with Bartman.

He wasn’t dressed like the Joker. His hair was probably already red. He just didn’t change it nor his clothes once he decided that he was the Joker.

I believe they were taken from the original batman movie trailer, if you watch the trailer, the joker has red hair there too. Interestingly enough…the same scenes in the movie itself he has green hair.

original trailer

You’re missing the point, probably deliberately so you can laugh at the basement-dwelling fanboys instead of paying attention.

He WASN’T dressed like the Joker. At. All. The hair color is the least of the things he got wrong. It’s entirely wrong, there was absolutely zero about him that was Joker-like. The fact that he may have said “I am the Joker” means about as much as if he’d said “I am the Eggman, I am the Walrus.” Nothing.

What irritates me is that the media is running with the “crazy fan of the movie dressed as the Joker thing,” based on a hair color that isn’t even close to the correct color for that costume, and continues to reinforce it.

And no, the lighting or treatment in those pictures of Cesar Romero is bad. His hair is green in those pictures. It looks red because of the lighting.

I blame Carrot Top and all his “fancy toys”.

Other people have speculated that he was dressed as Bane based on his gas mask even though the mask was functional and not a costume choice. The angle is just too tempting for some people to ignore, which is unfortunate because it’s really stupid and kind of childish. Even if he’d been in perfect Heath Ledger getup, the driving force behind his actions was the fact that he’s a psycho. So what if he happened to latch onto the Batman franchise instead of blaming it on Jesus or his neighbor’s dog? A sick brain - hell, a healthy one, too - can pluck meaning and messages out of anything.

People keep talkin’ about him, baby.

Compare this image to the second one from the above list. It’s clearly the same picture and it’s clearly green hair. The problem is with the color reproduction.

That’s not the Joker, though.

Maybe he thought he was Jim Carey’s Riddler?