Rediscovering "Cadfael" (PBS Mystery series)

Just finished the last Cadfael. :frowning:

It was certainly nice to watch a mystery where a cell phone didn’t ring every two minutes.

When the pilgrims in this episode started chanting the Litany of the Saints in Latin, i was instantly propelled back in time to the Good Fridays of my childhood.

Yes! Unforgotten is back, too, for series 3.

Wales has been turning out some watchable stuff lately, with Hidden being very like some of the Scandi dramas (originally aired all in Welsh, now airing in a dual language format with subtitles) and superior (barring Idris Elba) to Luther IMO.

Editing to add Shetland, cause I like it. And Field of Blood, which I don’t know if you got in the US

Or the version in French (with subtitles) with Bruno Cremer?