Regarding Certain Olympic Sports

I have to say, it worked for me. But if you’re going to go that far, I say, step on up to thongs.

Hey … have you ever had to dig sand out of those things? It’s a bitch.

Never said that.

Fine, have fun doing it. But there is a limited amount of broadcast time for the Olympics, and I want more shot put and less wild water kayaking.

I could have more respect for this event, and it would doubtless be exciting to participate in, if it were to take place in an actual river! Instead, it’s run in an artificial channel that looks like the old “White Water Canyon” ride at Cedar Point. That’s like skiing down a greased ramp instead of a mountain.

You have confused hydrodynamics with shoreline aesthetics. Go to my page. Look at the kayaking pics. Then come back and tell us which were in an artificial channel designed for slalom racing, and how you were able to make such a determination. Richard Clark Culpeper

For the record, even 0.05% of the world’s population of 6 billion is a whopping three million people. I’d say that if three million people enjoy doing something, that’s worth of inclusion on a popularity criteria.

Of course, there is every chance that kayaking is enjoyed by a lot more than that. Just because it isn’t popular wherever the hell Hyperelastic happens to be, doesn’t mean it isn’t popular elsewhere. It’s very popular in France and Great Britain, for example (which is why lots of medallists have come from those two countries).

I don’t get this whole rant at all. Your proposal seems to boil down to you listing the events that you find the most entertaining and mandating that only those be included. That’s stupid. There’s more to this Olympics than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Hyperelastic.


Dude, NBC is showing a thousand hours of Olympic events. There’s plenty of shotput, really.

Again, you’re just making this up as you go along, aren’t you?

Could we make pie-eating an olympic sport? It’s gauranteed that we Americans would beat the pants of those 3rd world pie-eaters! :smack:

I can decide for myself how much shot put I want to see. And, of course I am making it up as I go along. What do you want, a doctoral dissertation on the programming strategy of NBC as it relates to the Olympic ideal and the sociological makeup of the potential audience?

Also, I would draw your attention to the fact that this thread is being kept alive by the hysterical shrieking of the pro-kayaking forces, not me. We anti-kayakers are the strong, silent type.

Perhaps you miss my point. See, you don’t like kayaking, don’t think it should be an Olympic sport. Your opinion, fine.

The mistake you’ve been making, repeatedly, is to try to provide reasons why it should not be. And each one gets shot down, so you have to come up with another.


Holy sh*t, that looks fun!

Listen, buddy, I had no idea you were such a kayaking nut. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. Go forth and paddle.

No maximum speed. They just have to keep in contact with the ground at all times. I guess because otherwise, it’s just running. :wink: