Regional expressions you didn't always realize were not widespread

My theory is that Otto was sipping a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet while taking the quiz…

But that term IS widespread. Charlotte is the exception, not the rule.

Yeah, the first time I took it I think I got Phoenix, Tempe, Chicago with least similar as Worcester, Providence, Jersey City. This time it has my most similar as Rockford, Aurora, Chicago and least similar as Jersey City, Philadelphia, NYC. I lived in Illinois as a young child, spent most of my life in Arizona, and now live in New England.

It isn’t right to not brown the ground beef. Bring that to a church potluck and you’d be laughed out and for good reason.

71 years and accruing of Iowa girl.

And the Pike is either the Mass Pike or the Maine Turnpike.

And apparently they’re both still actual turnpikes, in the sense of toll roads.

The Thruway was originally supposed to stop being a toll road after its original building was paid off. Didn’t happen.

Delicious! This is of course, tuna hot dish. Or, in Iowa, tuna casserole. The crushed potato chip topping of course is the best part and must be done. Peas, but not carrots, are the only correct vegetable addition.

ETA: no rice! Never rice! Only some kind of noodles. Don’t make me come out there!

Ahem…Constance? You gotta problem with Constances? We are not all wizened up cranky old farts.

I’m not cranky…except about this.

Signed/ BippityBoppityBoo, aka Constance Helen when posing as a grownup

He called it Leinenkugel, not Leinies. Weird.

My friend taught me the recipe. Merrill, Wisconsin born and bred.

How about Italian Fries? I get blank looks her in Tucson when I mention them, but I used to buy frozen Italian fries, so labelled, made by Tombstone Pizza.

I’m from Green Bay, and I’d not heard of this. This site suggests it’s a northern Wisconsin thing, and it looks and sounds delicious.

I use it as well, here in Chicago. I don’t think it’s a personal quirk. I’m pretty sure the people I know will say stuff like “I’m going by my parents’ house” instead of “to my parents’ house.” I mean, both sound fine to my ears.

Huh. Looking at that, maybe it was Jack’s and not Tombstone - it’s been over 20 years. They are delicious.

I double dog-dare you. :smile:

It’s tuna-rice hot dish and it never, ever holds peas because my mother was smarter than the pea crowd. She even made her cold tuna salad without peas because she knew that they just don’t add flavor that way. She used pineapple for the cold salad and green beans or lentils for the hot dish. Tuna noodle hot dish is one with cream of chicken soup. Tuna rice hot dish uses cheddar cheese soup.

I use it in NYC, too - but I think it might be a little different. It’s always someone’s house when it’s the destination - if someone told me they were “going by” any other place, it would imply that they weren’t actually going there, but were passing nearby and can stop there if someone needs them to. My husband might say " I’m going by the cleaners- need me to drop anything off? " when his actual destination is the bank across the street from the cleaners.

In BC, 1960s-70s, the terms for male underwear were “ginch,” “gaunch,” and “gaunchies”

Kitap, c’mon man…If you’re going to mention something as delicious-sounding as “Italian fries” you should explain yourself better with a recipe post or at least a description of what it is. Thanks for the follow up, kenobi_65!

I figured this was a statewide thing and you’d know about it. Sorry.

No problem, kenobi_65 saved me the whole 10 seconds I would have had to spend googling it if he didn’t :slightly_smiling_face:

“Wisconsin nice”! fistbump

As opposed to “Minnesota Nice But Secretly Passive-Aggressive”… ;~)

Cite: named it that after hearing in-laws from Meeny-tSOH’-tah complaining about “Minnesota nice to your face”.