Was reading this article on CNN and thinking…well, WOW! How close are we to a breakthrough that will allow us to regrow limbs or damaged organs? Could this technology be widely available in my lifetime??
Was reading this article on CNN and thinking…well, WOW! How close are we to a breakthrough that will allow us to regrow limbs or damaged organs? Could this technology be widely available in my lifetime??
I’m gonna get my foreskin back!
Aren’t we all going to live to be 200? Or maybe forever? Everything will happen in our lifetimes!
The real answer, of course, is that nobody knows. Nobody knows if this won’t have disabling side effects. Nobody knows if it can be scaled up. Nobody knows if it will be too expensive. Nobody knows if it won’t work for some or many people. Heck, nobody knows how old you are.
It’s a limited test and nothing real can be extrapolated from it. We’ve seen a million miracle cures over the years that haven’t panned out.
need answer fast!
If this technology could be exploited to increase the size of one’s wiener, it would have happened yesterday.
It has!!! Send me $1000 and I’ll show you how!
See this earlier article:
Regenerative Powder Helped Re-Grow A Man’s Fingertip, And Could Change Medicine
There does seem to be something new going on in regeneration.
The powder has been reported before and the evidence for the company’s claims weighed here (nasty looking finger injury picture warning)
The story about it regrowing a fingertip has been derided by a leading hand surgeon (Simon Kay, to be exact, professor of hand surgery at the University of Leeds) as nothing he wouldn’t expect from a non-powder treated finger.