Regular vs Premium Gas

Here is my question: Is it better to fill-up with Premium gas? Will it add more miles to the gallon, thus negating the savings?

I know of one car that requires premium, Mini Cooper, and it’s said that if you put in regular, the car won’t perform as well.

Any input?

The Master has spoken.

Sgt Schwartz

Modern cars have computers that can sense impending detonation and retard the timing or dial back the turbo boost accordingly. So if you put regular gas in a car that requires premium, You’ll degrade performance if it’s a new car. If it’s an older car without the electronic gimcrackery, you run the risk of destroying the engine from detonation or ‘knocking’.

Putting premium in a car that only requires regular will do nothing except burn more of your money.

I suspect that there will be a lot more information on which most knowlegeable posters will agree than a debate, here.

Off to GQ.

[ /Moderating ]