Rehabilitate a character you find annoying

At the director’s behest, or at least with the director’s leave, IIRC.

I have a similar problem as Aangelica, in that I am interested in seeing how it all ends.

And while I don’t mind the badly written porn, it is annoying.

Happily, the Dresden Files books balance out my desire for actual Oogy Boogy detective work.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Wonderfalls was a very good show.

The most recent Robin is pretty damn cool in his own right (aside the name: Robin’s do not inspire terror). And Brubaker actually made Bucky a logical sidekick for Captain America: he did the things people didn’t want to see Cap do, like cut throats and sabotage.

Beat Bart Simpson severely and often.
Put Ralph Wiggum on the Low Carb Ritalin Diet.
Fire Gary Chalmers, promote Seymour Skinner to superintendent, and put Mr. Burns in the principal’s position, and maybe he can kick the teachers’ asses into shape.

Expand a little on the new Robin and this throat-cutting Bucky, please?

Why couldn’t you have written the Final Episode?

Ugly Betty is one of my favorite shows but it’s gone downhill this past season (its second). I think the writer’s strike had a lot to do with it (it lost momentum) but some of the characters, particularly villainess Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams) and her ubergay admin assistant Marc are becoming cartoonish, almost like a Boris & Natasha pairing.

They need to remind viewers that Wilhelmina’s bitterness for the magazine she works at, however too far she took it, was legitimate in its reason: she really was the absolute tops at her job and the most qualified person to run the magazine when her predecessor died but was bypassed for the boss to promote his incompetent playboy son. Marc needs to have more of the moments he had from the first season with his mom or with Betty’s pre-gay teenaged nephew or with his boyfriend from the second season who was introduced/much loved by audience/then dumped without explanation [perhaps the actor got other work during the strike] as these interactions with other characters showed he really did have a caring side under the bitchy exterior, and he’s also the assistant to a fashion world superstar because he’s very capable at his job.

Lots of characters from past shows I can think of:

Roscoe & Boss Hogg from Dukes of Hazzard- in the early (first season) episodes these guys were actually interesting characters and not Hee-Haw cartoon rejects. Roscoe was a state legend in law enforcement, a straight-as-an-arrow sheriff who was cheated out of his pension and went bad (and was far from stupid) and Boss was a “born dirt poor in the Depression/made a fortune as a bootlegger/diversified into other activities” flat-out small town coldblooded crime boss rather than the Big Daddy meets Forrest Gump buffoon of the later show. To me it was more interesting in those early comedy-drama episodes. (Aside: Ben “Cooter” Jones from that show [who later was a 1 term Congressman from Georgia and now runs a Dukes of Hazzard theme park] has been on CNN quite a bit lately as a freelance political analyst on the southern political theater… and he’s actually really good at it, one of the best of their talking heads; I remember liking him during a The Daily Show segment when their cast member tried to basically make him look like a fool and he turned tables on them.)

King of the Hill- Dale Gribble, the most annoying character on TV to me- just kill him. He’s obnoxious, deluded, backstabbing, unreliable, cowardly, stupid, and a liar- there’s absolutely no reason Hank or anybody else should be friends with him. Just kill him.
Bill just needs to go to therapy and then perhaps begin a relationship. I was hoping his fling with Kahn’s mother would pan out but it seems to have been dropped.

Counselor Troi would have been far less annoying if she had been topless for the entire run of the show…

No there’s a reboot I can fully support!

After her mother’s tragic death, Kim Bauer matures as a character, finishes school, works hard on her degree, and becomes the kind of smart, capable, strong female character Michelle Dessler was. She doesn’t get involved with Chase, she doesn’t adopt his daughter, and none of anything mentioned above involves cougars. In any way.

Hawkeye from MASH is told that if for six months he wears ironed Parade Dress uniform and glass shined boots at all times during the day,addresses everyone by their rank,salutes and generally conducts himself like a Depot Guard commander he will get three months leave in Hawaii and then will be given an Honourable Discharge and flown home.
Tosser that he is,he does that and then is told that …er… theres been some sort of mistake.
Data turns round one day and says “my god you Humans are pathetic,look I can do this and this and this and YOU cant”
A passing Vulcan looks up and says" Yes they’re like big kids really but BOY dont they just love themselves…LOSERS!"

Oh sorry to double post but Wesley Crusher is caught by Security knocking one out while he looks through a hole he drilled in Dianni Troys shower and it turns out that a little known fact about her race is that they actually have retractable male genitalia that drops when "Its"skin gets wet.