Who’s to say anything in it relates to anything factual about the existence of Jesus and God? Birth control is “wrong” because some old ass book says so? WTF? Thou shall not commit adultery? Why? That’s fine and all if you feel that it is morally wrong to do certain things, but it shouldn’t be wrong because the authors of the Bible say so.
Really now, how different is the story of the Bible compared to the story of Repunzel? How do I know that the Bible isn’t just some fictional character story?
Hypothetical: In 2030 AD, the human race is wiped out. In 5000 AD, the human race has once again evolved (I honestly do not know how long it would take for humans to evolve, but whatever). Fast forward - 8000 AD. Now, these new creatures that have evolved find some lyrics to Dr. Dre, Eminem, DMX, and… Uh… …Britney Spears? Are they likely to interpret their findings as “their gods” much like Christianity, the Quaran and Buddhism are today? Their religion would consist of Glocks, slappin’ bitches, and poor taste in Pop albums:eek:, and that’s how everything should be, because the Dre Bible says so. Far fetched, I know, but to a lot of people, so is the Bible.
Proof the Bible is true, there are things in the present that prove that the “storys” are true; The cave, hebrew scriptures, etc… Folks in 8000 AD could also find things too that relate to the above examples, right? Weaponry, Pictures, implants, etc…
Also, I know to not take the Bibley literally. But how am I so supposed to believe that the Bible is really a connection to some God and not some fairytale?
Thou shall let the strife lashing commence…