Reluctantly — Fuck Texas

Yeah, they should have voted twice, like Soros paid them to do.

I don’t think you’re being completely fair here. It says right in the article that they sent out an “operating condition notice” to make sure everyone was up to speed. Now, energy is not my area of
expertise, but as a layperson, I can’t imagine what more they could have possibly done to cover their own asses. Heck, I bet they even sent it certified mail so that the Louis DeJoy Memory (of a) Postal Service would get it to the recipients as quickly as possible.

Fuck that. The check didn’t clear so I only voted once. You want quality voter fraud, you have to pay for it.

I agree that Texas is obviously getting more competitive, but folks should be careful about reading too much into a trend line. There are countervailing trends — such as Trump’s surprising increase in support among Hispanics in South Texas — that could slow down or even reverse the “purpling” of Texas. And of course Republicans aren’t just going to sit back and yawn while it happens. Texas Republicans are sure to work to undermine growing Democratic support through means both legitimate (voter outreach, GOTV) and not (voter suppression).

Them dad gum byoo-ruh-crats up in WARshington!

I think part of the problem in Texas, and maybe in Florida too, is that Democrats didn’t do a particularly great job of campaigning at the local level and adapting a national campaign to address local sentiments. They just assume that Hispanic hatred of Trump in California is felt by Latinos everywhere. And truth be told, Biden’s outreach to the LatinX communities sucked – about as bad as Clinton’s outreach to African Americans in 2016.

I’ve lived in Texas for 14 years and it’s way exaggerated, IMO. Sure, some folks are puffed up on Texas greatness full of themselves but most aren’t. And this attitude is all the more diluted recently as many ‘Texans’ are increasingly people from out of state, like California.

I note the link says Texas “meets national average”. If so, the national average is too low to be acceptable IMO.

^ This. Looking deeper it seems our “health security” is subpar, which is not a surprise in a Red state that used to be run by Mike Pence, but the “incident response and management” score is pretty darn high.

We had some issues with roads earlier this week, but the power, lights, heat, internet, gas, and water all kept flowing just fine even though we got more cold and snow than Texas did. I don’t expect Texas to be as equipped for snowfall/ice as we are, but goddamn, people, you were told to winterize your power generation and transport ten freakin’ years ago and apparently diddly-squat was done. From what I can tell, it’s because “regulation” is a dirty word in Texas and people researching these things are only permitted to make “suggestions” which can be freely ignored by the power companies. Because the power companies are private and thus must make a buck for shareholders.

Wonder how much they save? Wonder how much fixing this mess is going to cost? And how do you put a value on the lives lost? How much you want to bet those responsible will never be held to account?

Nope, don’t think so - I’m up in Lake County next to Chicago and the big lake. We do have the lake effect snow to deal with, but, again, no interruption in utilities up here.

Yeah… I don’t work in the industry but I’m all too aware of how fragile our civilization infrastructure is. That’s why I’m always reviewing my GO bag and home reserves.

Here’s an interesting Twitter thread going into some detail why Texas is so fuxxord by all this.

Regarding the Hispanic vote for Trump , I think it’s because Biden will kill babies allegedly.
My wife is a sub teacher and generally ends up in heavily hispanic schools on account of being bilingual. She was listening to some pupils whose families you would think would not be trump supporters, and it pretty much came down to Biden will kill babies and so regardless of how unpleasant Trump is, abortion.
I wonder if Biden and the Dems will ever be able to get a message through on that subject to counter the narrative.

I always assumed that was the state of play: Biden’s a raging Communist/Socialist/Marxist who will enact mandatory abortions and same-sex marriage.


Texans as a bunch are ignorant, braggadocious cowboys. Bristle away. But yes, fuck Texas. A miserable state. It deserves pretty much anything that happens to it.

…which is why I think the Democrats should rely less on the inevitability of demography and instead focus more on a different kind of inevitability, such as the inevitability of scarcity and tumult caused by climate change or the inevitability of extreme economic inequality. I like to make fun of Bernie Bros and AOC from time to time, but the reality is that their diagnosis of our collective problem is accurate. Capitalism in the 21st Century will have to be different if society is going to realize the fruits of a free market and a free and stable society.

In Abbott’s first political campaign, for AG, one of his causes was tort reform, i.e., denying others the kind of relief he got. His opponent pointed out the hypocrisy, which of course put an end to his (the Dem’s) slim chances.

The fire hydrants were frozen in San Antonio so when the firefighters arrived at a severe apartment fire, they had to find other ways to transport water to the fire. The apartment complex burned down and residents lost everything.

So tired of everyone telling me what I think and what I am. GOP politicians state that Texans don’t care about heat and electricity as long as FREEDUMB! Then some liberals state that Texans are all stupid and the rest of the country would be better off without us.

I believe Texas is actually one of the few (only?) red states that is pretty wealthy and has a lot of money in the bank so to speak. Not a poor state like Alabama. Of course a lot of that is because of some unique conditions and the unwillingness to spend, like, ANY money for the benefit of Texans, but still.

Yada yada yada. I spent 24 years in Texas. Texans are a bunch of ignorant, braggadocious cowboys, and I did let the door slam behind me on my way out.

Lets not forget make us get gender reassignment against our will.

And of course the thousand years of darkness. I was promised that when I voted for Obama the first time. It must take a while for that to come through.

I’m laughing at Elon Musk and HP and all the other oligarchs that relocated their megacorps to Texas just in time for the lights to go out.

Ya think they might be reconsidering that move? Hard to do business in the dark.

I don’t think this explains much at all, South Texas voters have always been culturally conservative and yet it was only in this last election that they moved decisively toward Trump. Did they think Hillary (whom they overwhelmingly backed) was pro-life?

Adios, mofo.

And good riddance to you.