Mr. Potato Head came in a box containing no arms or feet; only several plastic eyes, noses, mouths, hats, ears; each backed with a sharp point instead of the blunt rods seen today; all were inserted into a real potato that you had to supply from Mom’s kitchen (really)
Cloth diapers
Looking up at the sky: Is it a daytime star/planet? Is it a Russian satellite? Is it the “big one?”
Slide rules
Heavy wooden desk chairs with huge spring between seat and base, allowing it to (squeak-squeak) adjust to weight shifting.
Paper chains made from folding gum wrappers and linking them together into a long zig-zag tape.
Plastic lanyards woven into long, useless squared-off “cylinder”
One of my best friends across the street had a fall-out shelter; the only one in town. She made it perfectly clear that when the bomb came, only her family, no friends, would be allowed in.
Playing jacks
Lining up with the entire town to take the first oral polio vaccine delivered by sugar cube (well that must be how they got the idea for LSD delivery)
Reel to reel home movie projectors