Reminder: Dr. Who Tonight

Well, there was also that episode with Picard as Robin Hood and Q as the Sheriff of Nottingham, which gave us the immortal line “I am not a merry man!”

Since this was an anticipatory thread, I started this on to discuss the actual show as it aired. Not a ton of participation, but hopefully more will come in for the post mortem. (That’s typically what happens in the Battlestsr Galactica threads.)

I’m posting the link here for anyone who subscribed here but doesn’t check the forum homepage.

I don’t know anything about what PBS were charged for the shows, but no: Doctor Who was never the costiest thing the BBC produced, or even close to it. The show’s budget varied a good deal over the years, both in absolute terms and in relation to other BBC output, but it never had a budget that was more than middling.