Remo Williams vs Doc Savage, who'd win?

Inspired by the Bond vs Bourne thread.

Remo Williams, Sinanju Heavyweight Champion


Doc Savage, Man of Bronze

No weapons, no outside interference. Streetfight or MMA rules. Win by KO, Tap Out, or death.

Remo is a trained assassin, but relatively unimposing physically. Does have exceptionally thick wrists.

Doc’s a master of pretty much everything, likely stronger, definitely smarter.

Under MMA rules, I’d give the edge to Doc. He’d figure a way to make Remo tap.

Streetfight, I might go with Remo. Guy’s a killer…

Remo in a brawl. Savage’s chances go up the more lead time is involved.

I will preface this by saying I know very little of Doc Savage.

However, I read almost all the Destroyer books. Based on how Remo was presented there, I’d have to say he wins. He’s not trained to fight (although his battles with Nuihc are the stuff of legend); he’s trained to kill … quickly, efficiently, and with as little fuss as possible.

I’ll have to go with Remo hands down under any ROE.

Doc wouldn’t be able to touch Remo, let alone get him into anything resembling a hold unless Remo let him.

Add to that the fact that Remo can paralyze or destroy any nerve group with a single touch is going to leave Doc in a world of hurt.

Keep in mind that Remo has been documented as actually catching bullets in his hands when he was too bored to get out of the way.

Then it would be a cinch for Doc if he could use mercy bullets.
Does Doc get his vest? Any Aids? His alligator suit? :slight_smile:

Don’t know squat about Doc Savage, but can I just say I’d like another Remo Williams movie, maybe with Jason Statham?

Anything Doc knows is a pale shadow of the forces at Remo’s command.

Remo could take down Doc in a straight match, but if Doc was prepared…

Hmm, sort of like “Batman, if prepared”:stuck_out_tongue:

Note that Doc has far greater crime fighting resources, however.

Even prepared, Doc Savage would be dog meat.

“I am created Shiva, the Destroyer. Death, the Shatterer of Worlds. I am the dead Night Tiger made whole by Sinanju. Who is this dog meat that comes before me?”

Doc Savage, that’s who. DOA.

“I am created Shiva, the Destroyer. Death, the Shatterer of Worlds. I am the dead Night Tiger made whole by Sinanju. Who is this dog meat that comes before me?”

“Erk, ecch, who just sprayed me with cheesburger essense, arrgh, I’m sick, help me…”:stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t say, but I do miss Remo from his golden age. After Sapir and Murphy stopped writing, he just wasn’t the same.

You fellows have obviously not seen Doc in his alligator suit. :rolleyes:

What a croc. :smiley:

Even if Doc destroyed Remo, he would be helpless before Chiun.

…and if Remo were to kill Doc, Ham and Monk would tear him limb from limb. :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with Remo, but I do think Doc would be at a disadvantage without his vest of gadgets. Or the things he hides under false skin patches. Or in his hair. Or his hollow teeth.

Even though he was able to kill a polar bear and rip off a steak with his bare hands.

How about if we change the rules to allow only non-lethal combat? Doc seems to go out of his way to avoid killing folks most of the time. Would that be enough to give him the edge?

Seems to me Doc would be a good thirty years older than Remo. But then, so was Chuin…

At the height of his abilities, Remo is, for all intents and purposes, an unstoppable killing machine. RIP Doc, we’ll miss ya.

Doc is way smarter.
Tactics count.
And Doc has trained in various martial arts styles, too.


How about Chen, from the Remo Williams movie. He’d kick ass and then insult both of them.

Plus, he can walk on water.