Remote WebCam Advice

I want to set up a webcam at our cabin in the hills - Still images once an hour or six.

I kind of know my way around a computer, so I’m mostly wondering if anyone can recommend their favorite camera and/or software (Linux or Windows), but tips n tricks are always appreciated.

I’m at least a 2 hour drive from the place, so I’d like robust and/or remotely configurable software.

Oh, and I’m a total cheapskate too, which is important.


I think you’re looking for a netcam, not a web cam. Netcams have built-in web servers which means you won’t need to leace a PC running 24×7. The downside is I think you’ll need to have a broadband connection at the location to be monitored.

I have a Panasonic netcam and it’s pretty nice, but it was a bit pricey, but it has both audio, smtp ability (to email me some jpegs when it detects motion) and PTZ control via web browser so I can remotely scan around. If you want to google for it, I think it has a 331 in the model number (I’m posting from my cell phone so I can open up another window to check).

I think linksys makes one for about $100 but you won’t get PTZ at that price.

can’t open up another browser window…

And PTZ = pan/tilt/zoom.

I had bookmarked this site several months ago when I was looking to buy a cabin. It may be a starting place for you.

I have no opinion as to its value since I haven’t researched it any further.

No broadband, unfortunately. I don’t even have a local dial up number up there - I’ll have to find an 800 for my ISP or set it up to use a calling card (no long distance).

Thanks tho, I might need a netcam at home :slight_smile: