I had a minor catastrophe yesterday, which involved unwittingly transferring someone elses’ chewed gum from the floor to my backpack, and then from my backpack to the shoulder of my jacket.
The jacket is a dry-clean-only, 100% wool.
Will dry-cleaning be able to get it off? Even better, any suggestions for how to fix it without dry-cleaning (I’m a broke student without a car; getting things dry-cleaned is a big hassle).
There’s a nifty little video on how to get gum off clothes here [warning: begins talking RIGHT AWAY, so not work-safe if you’re supposed to be working]
Ice is a good one, as is peanut butter. But I’d get the pros to take a look at it.
Hm. I’ll try ice, but am a bit hesitant about smearing further foodstuffs onto my clothing. If that doesn’t work, I’ve got to make a trip into town tomorrow anyway, so, dry-cleaners ahoy.
Take it to the cleaners. Tell them what is on it. They know about removing many things from clothes that they clean. Trust me!