Rep. Don Young (R-AK) has died

Hey! I lived in Alaska for 7 years, and during that entire time I had a job and I’ve never done meth.

Is that why they threw you out? :slight_smile:

Yeah, as a born-and-raised Alaskan, I was also “represented” by that turd. You’re certainly right about sometimes putting the worst people into office. Frank Murkowski, Sarah Palin, Young, Mayor Weurch of Anchorage, and the current complete idiot in that office. Not to mention all the carpetbaggers that have popped up over the years.

I’ll admit I whiffed on the method of his replacement. I had in my mind what happened when Frank Murkowski resigned his Senate seat, ran and won the governor’s seat, then appointed his daughter as his Senate replacement. Per Wiki, in case D_Assholia needs it:

Murkowski is the daughter of former U.S. senator and governor of Alaska Frank Murkowski. Before her appointment to the Senate, she served in the Alaska House of Representatives and was elected majority leader. She was controversially appointed to the Senate by her father, who resigned his seat in December 2002 to become governor of Alaska. Murkowski completed her father’s unexpired Senate term, which ended in January 2005.

Really? Did she? Wikithingy claims that he was born in California and did not move to Alaska until he was in his mid-20s . There is no indication that his mother ever moved to AK, and he himself died in Los Angeles. The evidence that he fucked his mother must be obtained elsewhere.

OK. Here goes nothing…

Don Young fucked the people of Alaska. The people of Alaska are citizens and part of the United States of America. California is part of the United States of America. Don Young’s mother lived in California. Therefore by the Transitive Property of Sociology, Don Young is/was indeed a mother-fucker.

He also had kids. Ergo. . .

Wrong post.

It doesn’t vary by state. Vacancies must be filled by an election, not an appointment, under the Constitution.

It took you this long to look it up?
You’d have done better on Twitter.

I didn’t have to look anything up. It’s funny (and not in a good way) that our Canadian friends know our Constitution better than our American posters and moderators.

Yeah, you did. If you had known, you would have made the point immediately.

Read the thread, moron. It was clearly cited in the very first reply.

Generalize much?

Oh, and clearly there are exceptions and holes in the law, as I noted about Lisa Murkowski above.

Apparently, you didn’t notice that until now.

Wrong. I pointed it out six hours ago, you know, after I read the thread. No “looking it up” required.

Generalize how?

God, what a fucking troll you are. Please continue with your derailment, if you wish. I urge others to not dignify this fucker with a reply, which is what I’m doing from this point onward.

True. All you had to do was read the first reply. Good for you for aping a point already made just to slam the OP.

Here’s a thought. Maybe people who don’t understand our political/legal/constitutional systems shouldn’t make silly posts about them.

I also want a pony.

there are laws in most states prohibiting animal abuse